
In: Psychology

What are some of the crucial internal challenges that the Asian Women’s Movement face? Why do...

What are some of the crucial internal challenges that the Asian Women’s Movement face? Why do they face these challenges?​


Expert Solution

There are different sources that pose great challenges to the women’s movement in Asia, they are religion, politics, culture, family etc. These institutions see woman still as a child bearing machine, a modest thing (not human) who tolerate any violation. Bold women from all parts of Asia have fought and won their rights that were denied and that are rightfully theirs. Women in few Islamic countries, still fight for their rights.

Religious aspect – Although it is preached by all the religion that everyone is equal in front of God, it’s not practiced by the religions. Women cannot become priests in any religionand women cannot enter into certain worship places because they will spoil the holiness as they get monthly periods. Even God knows it’s one of the holiest aspect of the universe for reproduction but the foolish religions, in the name of God neglect all their rights to get close to God even.

Politics – In Asian countries women are not encouraged to come to politics because men feel inferior to work under women because of their stereotypical perception towards woman. Even if the women by quota get into politics and win the election, they will be dominated by their husbands and family members in all the aspects.

Culture – The culture in Asian countries are male dominated and keeps women as very soft and easily broken objects. This cultural phenomenon of keeping woman at home has denied their education and job opportunities.

Family – One different thing in the family today, is that Asian women in most of the households are the masters. The view point here is that the domestic violence by their husbands and in-laws that bring lot of stress on the women.

During the 80s women were allowed to study but not work, during the 2000women were allowed to work even in distant places and today although the Asian societies are still in thetransformation period, pose a threat to the women empowerment movements

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