
In: Computer Science

Define a class named University with data members such as campus_name, courses_offered and no_of_faculty. Include appropriate...

Define a class named University with data members such as campus_name,
courses_offered and no_of_faculty. Include appropriate methods and illustrate
the following object oriented concepts.
Static methods


Expert Solution

Code in java

//creating university class
class University{
//initializing the attributes
String campus_name="null";
String course_offered="null";
int no_faculty=20;
//function used to check eligibility
public void checkeligibility(int no){
//function take one input from user which is number of faculty(no)
//checking if the university has minimum faculty number
//if not println
//else println
System.out.println("Not Eligible");
//creating another class which inherit the university class
class college extends University{
//initializing the static variable which can be accessd without creating a instance
static int seatcount=300;
//this method represent Polymorphism(Polymorphism uses methods from parent class to perform different tasks)
public void checkeligibility(int no){
//checking if the college has minimum faculty number
//if not println
System.out.println("This college is Eligible");
//else println
System.out.println("This college is Not Eligible");
//this is an static method which can be accessed without creating the instance
static void seatsavailable(){
//function will print the seat count
System.out.println("seats availabale:-"+seatcount);
//main class
class Main{
public static void main(String[] args){
//creating instance of university class
University u1=new University();
//calling the function
//creating instance of college class
college c1=new college();
//calling the method(Polymorphism)
//calling the static method without creating the insatnce



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