In: Mechanical Engineering
A man sits in a boat, which is floating on the surface of a pond. He takes a rock from inside of the boat and throws it overboard into the pond, determine whether the level of the pond would rise, fall or remain unchanged? Support your answer with calculations
Let us assume mass of man =
Mass of the rock =
Mass of Boat =
According to archimedis defination on buoyancy force, that the buoyancy force is equals to the weight of the body acted on it or amount of fluid displaced.
Initial volume of fluid displaced.
Now the rock was thrown into the pond than the new buoyancy force will be
Final volume of fluid displaced after rock thrown
Now we may conclude that
Substute equations (1) and (2) in above, we get
And we know that
Similarly calculate the initial displaced volume
Since density of rock is more than the density of water. It concludes that,
Therefore the water level in the pond decreases from the initial level