
In: Statistics and Probability

A. Parents Education and Degree Attainment Mother or Father has BA Mother or Father does not...

A. Parents Education and Degree Attainment

Mother or Father has BA

Mother or Father does not Have BA


Obtained BA




Did not Obtain BA








  1. Reproduce the table using column percentages
  1. Reproduce the table using row percentages
  1. Reproduce the table using total percentages

  1. Is there a clear independent variable; which variables is it?
  1. What is the null hypotheses?

  1. Compute the Chi-square; is the association significant?
  1. Interpret the association


Expert Solution


based on column percentage
Mother or Father has BA Mother or Father does not Have BA Total
Obtained BA 71.4% 63.5% 67.6%
Did not Obtain BA 28.6% 36.5% 32.4%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%


based on row percentage
Mother or Father has BA Mother or Father does not Have BA Total
Obtained BA 54.8% 45.2% 100.0%
Did not Obtain BA 45.7% 54.3% 100.0%
Total 51.9% 48.1% 100.0%


based on total percentage
Mother or Father has BA Mother or Father does not Have BA Total
Obtained BA 37.0% 30.6% 67.6%
Did not Obtain BA 14.8% 17.6% 32.4%
Total 51.9% 48.1% 100.0%


d) Ho: Parents Education and Degree Attainment are not associated

e) variable Parent education is independent variable

Chi-Square Test of independence
Observed Frequencies
Mother or Father has BA Mother or Father does not Have BA Total
Obtained BA 200 165 365
Did not Obtain BA 80 95 175
Total 280 260 540
Expected frequency of a cell = sum of row*sum of column / total sum
Expected Frequencies
Mother or Father has BA Mother or Father does not Have BA Total
Obtained BA 280*365/540=189.259 260*365/540=175.741 365
Did not Obtain BA 280*175/540=90.741 260*175/540=84.259 175
Total 280 260 540
Obtained BA 0.6096 0.6564
Did not Obtain BA 1.2714 1.3691

Chi-Square Test Statistic,χ² = Σ(fo-fe)^2/fe =   3.9065

Level of Significance =   0.05  
Number of Rows =   2  
Number of Columns =   2  
Degrees of Freedom=(#row - 1)(#column -1) = (2- 1 ) * ( 2- 1 ) =   1  
p-Value =   0.0481   [Excel function: =CHISQ.DIST.RT(χ²,df) ]
Decision:    p-value < α , Reject Ho  

conclusion: Parents Education and Degree Attainment are associated

f) it means  parent educations has an assocation with degree attainment,

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