
In: Operations Management

How can we as managers manage organizational culture and innovation?

How can we as managers manage organizational culture and innovation?


Expert Solution

Following are the crucial steps that Manager has to do for managing Organizationl culture:-

Interaction With Employees

A small business with only a handful of employess can accomplish this easily. A disseminated leadership culture allows managers to build better working relationship with employees while still supervising to company owners.s in this model achive a more relaxed from of interaction with subordinates because employees see them as actual human beings and not simply the manifestaion of employer's will.

Setting the Example

A manager must serve as the model for that culture for other employees to emulate.For example, a small-business owner wishing to see more employee teamwork must have a manager who is able to work directly with employees and foster a team atmosphere. a manager can illustrate the proper model of a company's desired culture, the faster employees will adopt it.

Rewarding Proper Behavior

A manager's role within a small bisiness' culture may require her to reward ememployees who properly display the company's desired qualities. Rewards can take the from of simple praise within the workplace or may include higher grades on performance reviews, which can lead to promotions and higher rates of pay.

Innovation are as:-

Give employees a reason to care

If people feeling connected to your company,there's little incentive for them to be innovative.Employees who are involved early on in processes and plans will be motivated to see them through to completion.Their active participation will fuel more ideas than if they learn of initiatives second-hand.

Do what you can to remove the red tape

Consider which internal processes might be stifling innovation. For instance, it can be demoralising if recommendations must go through multiple layers of approvals in the organisation and take a significant time before they're implemented, if at all. look for ways to streamline the process so people can see their good ideas in action quickly.

Ease up

Employees who've been working sixty-hour weeks for months on end aren't very likely to make notable contribtions other than completing basic assignments.When people is triying to be creative; they just want to get through what must be done at the moment.

Set the example

Recognise that as a leader, you are the mode for the entire team. If you are the model for the entire team. If you never think creatively with your own work, you can't really expect your employees to do the opposite.

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