
In: Biology

which of the following organisms controls its body temperature by means of its behavior? a) turkey...

which of the following organisms controls its body temperature by means of its behavior?

a) turkey

b) iguana

c) Hamster

The Gila wood pecker is a bird of the Sonoran  desert int southwest US and northwestern Mexico. the bird as close relationship with saguaro cactus. in which the bird makes nesting holes in the older., thicker sections of the plant without damaging it. in turn, the bird will eat diseased and parasitized parts of the cactus, as well as any cactus0eating insects, which of the following best describes the interactions between Gila woodpeckers and saguaro cats?

a) Facilitation

b) mutualism

c) parasitism

it is hypothesized that if a major nuclear war occurs, a layer of smoke and dust int the atmosphere would block the sun's rays. which of the following ecosystems would likely last the longest after this disaster?

1) mid-Atlantic deep-sea hydrothermal vent ecosystem

2) Malaysian tropical rainforest ecosystem

3) North American temperate grassland ecosystem

4) north Africa desert ecosystem

Some mammalian hormones, such as thyroid hormone and prolactin, have different effects on other vertebrates. this likely indicates that these hormones.........

a) are nonspecific in their effects

b) are evolutionarily conserved

c) combine with many different receptors


Expert Solution


Warm blooded vs Cold Blooded animals

Warm Blooded

They include all mammals and birds except some exceptions. These animals are able to maintain a constant body temperature regardless of environmental know as homeostasis. For e.g. human body maintains temperature of 37 celsius. They can either lose heat or gain heat to achieve homeostasis.

In colder environment their body generates more heat to maintain body temperature. This is achieved by breakdown of food which release lot of energy .

In warm environment they need to cool off. This can be achieved by sweating.

Cold blooded Animals

Their body temperature changes according to the temperature of environment. In colder environment have low body temperature while in warm environment have high body temperature. That is no homeostasis maintained.

All metabolic processes in body occur at specific temperature and pH because enzyme involved in these process work at specific temperature and pH. Hence cold blooded animals need to adapt some habits to achieve that specific temperature.

Option 1 Turkey

Turkey is a bird. All the birds and mammals are warm blooded as they have in built mechanism to regulate their body temperature . Hence it can maintains its own body temperature no adaptation needed. Hence incorrect option.

Option 2 Iguana

Iguana a lizard is a cold blooded animal. It cannot maintain constant body temperature needed for necessary metabolic pathways. Hence it bask in sun to increase body temperature . And it becomes too hot move to shade to cool off. Hence correct option

Option 3

Hamster is a warm blooded animal hence can achieve homeostasis by in built mechanism. Hence incorrect option

Hence answer is Option 2 Iguana

Question 2

Different species interact with each other to survive in the environment. Interaction can be of three types

1. Positive / Facilitation

In this type of interaction out of two species interacting either both or at least one is benefitted while neither one is harmed. E.g. mutalisim, commensalism,

2. Negative Interaction

In this either one or both species interacting are harmed. Eg Predation, herbivory, parasitism, ammensalim, competition

3. Neutral Interaction

In this type of interaction two species interacting have no effect on each other

Option 1 Facilitation

It is a type of positive interaction in which out of two species interacting either one or both are benefitted neither one of them is harmed. It included two type of interaction Mutalisim and Commensalism

Mutalisim - Both the interacting species get benefited . Eg nitrogen fixing bacteria and legumes. Nitrogen fixing bacteria rhizobia lives in root nodules of legume plant. Bacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen and provide to legume plants while plants provide necessary nutrients to the bacteria for its metabolic processes. Hence both the parties get benefited

Commensalism - Only one partner gets benefitted on other one no effect that is neither harmed nor benefitted. E.g. Epiphytes tropical orchids grow on branch of tropical trees. Epiphytes gets benefitted as tropical provide them support to grow on them and help in getting more exposure to sunlight and rain. In this interaction tropical plants gets neither harmed nor benefitted.

Option 2 Mutalisim

A type of positive interaction in which both partners are benefitted. As in above case both wood pecker and cactus gets benefitted. Hence option 2 is correct answer.

Option 3 Parasitism

A type of negative Interaction in which one partner gets benefitted while other gets harmed. The organism getting benefitted is called parasite while other partner is called host. A parasite derives nutrients from host and slowly slowly killing them. E.g worms like taenia solium in human body.

This option not correct answer because this interaction involves harm to oneo partner while in case of woodpecker and cactus neither was harmed .

Hence answer is Option 2 Mutalisim.

Question 3

Option 1 mid Atlantic deep sea

In deep sea no sunlight reaches hence organism living their has evolved live without sunlight . Hence blockage of sunlight will have not much effect on their survival.

Other three option tropical forest, temperate grassland and african forest has a lot of fauna in their ecosystem which need light for photosynthesis hence they will be most effected by sunlight blockage.

Answer is Option 1 deep sea hydrothermal vent.

Question 4

Option 1 Non specific in effect

Correct answer because when hormone binds to specific receptors the receptors get activated. Now it solely depends on receptors that they produce which kind of cellular responses . It can be inhibiting or activating . This hormone effects changes .

Option 2 evolutionary conserved

It means the function of molecules remain conserved in different species that is their function does not change in other species. Hence this is also incorrect option

Option 3 combine with many receptors.

Incorrect as they bind only to specific receptors having specific site for its binding.

Answer is Option 1

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