In: Mechanical Engineering
For this activity, your assignment is to develop and complete a guide to materials handling hazards and controls. You will need to develop a document that includes the following sections:
General Materials Handling
Manual Materials Handling
Hand-Operated Materials Handling Vehicles
Powered Vehicles and Forklifts
Hoisting Apparatus
Ropes, Chains, and Slings
Elevators, Escalators and Manlifts
Bulk Materials, Excavation and Trenching
Storage of Materials
For each section, you should make a list of hazards and controls. You can make a bulleted list and include the items under two sections (hazards & controls) under each main section (1-11 above). This sheet should then be saved and submitted for a grade. The document does not have to be submitted in APA format. This is a document that you should utilize as a pocket guide as a safety professional. The document can also be utilized to develop inspection and possibly audit forms to identify and assess hazards associated with materials handling in work environments. The information can also be used to recommend controls for identified hazards. The information in your guide should be derived from your course text, supplement readings and other published resources and technical documents on the subject matter.
Documented sheet on Material Handling For Hazards and control categroised in Two sections:-
HAZARDS- there are following hazards which generally occurs-
Controls:- For All time Good material handling We Can take controls measures which are following:-