
In: Accounting

Choose one (1) and only one of the following four 4 assignment options. Investigate and document...

Choose one (1) and only one of the following four 4 assignment options. Investigate and document your response. Provide your response back in this document, and SUBMIT it back using Google Classroom once completed.

Alternative Options list:

1. Information Systems roles and jobs

2. Personal Use of Technology

3. Internet Security

4. Database creation

Details are provided below:

1. Information Systems roles and jobs

Prepare a report on purchasing a computer for yourself.

Identify your requirements (what you will need to use it for, how much you would spend, etc.).

Identify at least 3 viable options (actual computers), 2 of them of the same type (e.g. PC) and 1 of them different type (e.g. Apple).

List the specifications for each in a side-by-side table, including:

Hardware specifications (processor, memory, storage, etc.), 1 row for each category item

Software specifications (OS, application software, etc.) 1 row for each category item

Networking specifications

Total cost

Identify which would be the most powerful, which would be the fastest.

Select your best alternative.  

Confirm that it will meet all your requirements, and indicate why you would choose it.

Provide response on table format. Provide final selection and explanation in paragraph format.

1-3 pages max.

2. Personal Use of Technology

Create a list of at least 4 examples of technologies used by you within the last 2 months.  

For each:

Classify them by IT Component types

Research and identify approximately what year each technology was introduced, and when your specific version was introduced.

Indicate how you have used the technology.  

Indicate what your next-best alternate would have been if you did not have the technology. Estimate the associated impact to you if you did not have the technology (additional time, cost to you per day/week etc.)

Indicate 1 example of something you currently do manually (and that there currently is not a technology solution available yet). Investigate if anyone in the world is already innovating and working on it, and if so, provide a reference (name and link) and some details.

Response should be in table form, 1-3 pages max.

3. Internet security –Target as case Study

Retailers have seen major increases in cyber attack. Point of sale systems, vendor and supplier connected portals, even on-site system administrators, pose potential risks. All of these potential weak links in the chain came to light when target got hit, beginning on the biggest US shopping day, Black Friday.

The cyber attack on Target hit all of the wrong numbers, (or right, depending on your point of view):

41 million customers’ credit card information stolen

$200 million estimated cost to banks and credit unions over replaced cards and disputed charges (which Target settled for $39 million)

An estimated 46% dip in profit during the biggest shopping period of the season

An $18.5 million recent multi-state lawsuit settlement with consumers

All told, Target lost an estimated $300 million

What are your general thoughts about internet security and what do you think Target could have done to prevent internet security onboard?

1-3 pages max.

4. Database Creation

Create a database project with the following requirements, use any professional principles and standards.

Use any relational database software application of your choice to develop database implementing the logical design into a physical design.

create the normalized physical database with tables, columns with data types, primary keys, constraints, etc.

Create a minimum of ten rows of test data in each table.

Submit a Zip .sql file with the scripts needed to create your tables with keys and the insert test rows, etc., into the tables and submit the Assignment Files tab as Zip.


Expert Solution

Internet security:

Internet security is a branch of computer security specifically not only related only internet, often involving browser security and worldwide web, but also network security as it applies to other applications or operating systems as a whole. The internet represents an insecure channel for exchanging information which leads to a high risk of fraud.

Many methods are used to protect the transfer of data including encryption and from the ground up engineering. The current focus Is on prevention as much as on real time protection against threats.


Malicious software: An internet user can be tricked into downloading software that is of malicious intent onto a computer.

For example: malware

Computer viruses

Computer worms

Trojan horse etc...

Counter measures:

Internet protocol security can be used to protect communications in a secured market . It provides security and authentication at IP layer by transforming data using encryption. The basic components of IPsec are:

Security protocols

Security association for policy management and traffic processing.

Manual and automatic key managemt for the internet key exchange.

Algorithms for authentication and encryption.

Security token:

Some online sites offer customers the ability to use a

Six digit code which randomly changes every 30-60 seconds as security token.

Electronic mail security also can be used to provide cyber security.

Internet security products:  


Password manager

Security suites


Now a days cyber security breach is more in banking sector. As individuals and companies perform most transactions online, the risk of data breach is increasing daily. This why cybersecurity in banking sector is important.

Tree risks associated with banking on web:

1. More risk on mobile apps: many people access their bank accounts on mobile phones with minimal or no security. This makes attacks much easier. Banking software solutions are required at end point to prevent malicious activity.

2. Breaches at third party organizations: as banks have upgraded their cybersecurity hackers turned to shared banking systems and third party networks to gain access.

3. Increased risk of cryptocurrency hacks.

Banks can use the following to prevent cyber security attacks:

Security audit




From the above case study we can say that Target also should have used one of the above mentioned preventive steps to avoid security breach . By using those it would have atleast minimised the lose caused due to cyber security breach. The customers also should use authorized websites to perform cashless or online transactions to reduce cyber security attacks.

Thank you...

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