
In: Biology

Question 1: In the NCBI database, retrieve the nucleotide sequences NG011676. Report: Gene name, database name....

Question 1: In the NCBI database, retrieve the nucleotide sequences NG011676. Report:

  1. Gene name, database name.

  2. Number of exons and its position (the start and the end of each exon).

  3. The start and the end of coding region (CDS)

  4. Accession number of protein from this gene and the length of polypeptide.

Question 2: Use NG011676 to run GenScan. Report the results and compare the results with information of this gene from Question 1.
Question 3: Use NG011676 to run FGENESH with selecting of Homo sapiens as organism specific gene-finding parameters. Report the results and compare the results with information of this gene from Question 1.


Expert Solution

Q1: Nucleotide sequences NG011676 related details are mentioned below:

Gene name: GH1

Database name: Growth hormone 1

No. of exons= 5 (5000 to 5072; 5333 to 5493; 5703 to 5822; 5915 to 6079; 6333 to 6636)

Start and end of CDS: 6333 to 6530 (654bp)

Accession number of protein:NP_000506.2

Length of polypeptides: 217

Q2: Nucleotide sequences NG011676 related details are mentioned below using Genscan:

No. of exons= 6 (5063 to 5072; 5333 to 5493; 5703 to 5822; 5915 to 6079; 6333 to 6630 & 617 to 6622)

Start and end of CDS: 6333 to 6530 (654bp)

Length of polypeptides: 217 amino acids

The no. of exons found using Genscan are 6 as compared to 5 found using NCBI database

Start and end of CDS as well as length of polypeptide are same between NCBI and GENSCAN databases


No. of exons= 4 (5000 to 5072; 5333 to 5493; 5915 to 6079; 6333 to 6636)

Start and end of CDS: 5063 to 6530 (534bp)

Length of polypeptides: 177 amino acids

The no. of exons found using FGENESH are 4 as compared to 5 found using NCBI database

Start and end of CDS using FGENESH is from base 5063bp to 6530 (534bp) , while as in NCBI database it is from 6333 to 6530 (654bp)

The length of polypeptide are differente between NCBI (217 amino acids ) and FGENESH (177 amino acids) databases

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