In: Statistics and Probability
Probability and Statistics
Write a Matlab simulation to solve problem 2.4.4.
Each problem has a failure probability q, independent of any other component. A successful operation requires:
1. components 1, 2, and 3 all work, or 4 works
2. component 5 or component 6 works.
with q = 0.2, simulate the replacement of a component with an ultrareliable component. For each replacement of a regular component, perform 100 trials.
Here's the block diagram:
I am using & to denote the intersection of events().
For independent events, A1, A2, ...,An: P(A1 & A2 & ...
& An) =P(A1)*P(A2)*...*P(An).
Since we need all 1, 2 and 3 to be working for any of them tobe of any use, let's consider 1,2 and 3 combined as a singlecomponent I.
P(I not working) = 1 - P(I working)
= 1 - P(1 working & 2 working & 3 working)
= 1 - P(1 working) * P(2 working) * P(3 working) [byindep]
= 1- (1-q)3
Now, for the overall system to work we need atleast oneof I and 4 to be working and atleast one of 5 and 6 to beworking.
P(atleast one of I and 4 working) = 1- P(I not working & 4not working)
=1 - P(I not working) * P(4 not working) [by indep]
=1 - [1-(1-q)3]* q
P(atleast one of 5 and 6 working) = 1 - P(5 not working &6 not working)
= 1 - P(5 not working) * P(6 not working) [by indep]
= 1 - q2
P({atleast one of I and 4 working} & {atleastone of 5 and6 working})
=P(atleast one of I and 4 working) * P(atleast one of 5 and 6working) [by indep]
= {1- [1-(1-q)3]* q} * {1-q2}