
In: Operations Management

Compare Maslow's and Herzberg's theories. How are they similar? How are they dissimilar? Please be specific...

Compare Maslow's and Herzberg's theories. How are they similar? How are they dissimilar?

Please be specific and detailed. You must include examples of these theories "in action" that you have either experienced or observed, or if you haven't, propose how they might look in real life. Bonus: consider how current conditions - with many laid off, many working from home, many essential workers working under social distancing conditions might affect people's motivation negatively and positively. What makes the difference?


Expert Solution

Both the Maslow wnd Herzber's model of motivation share both similarities and differences as these models have a different yet similar approach by describing the motivation. The similarity between the two models is that in Herzberg's model, people who have achieved a level of economic and social progress and achievement in the society, they seek to have the higher level of needs of Maslow's model which are esteem and self actualisation as the primary motivators. However, the lower level of needs ahould be satisfied to maintain their current state. So in both the cases, money is still a chief motivator for the operating employees as well as low level managers. Both of these models talk about how the people in the organisation could be motivated to achieve better and be satisfied with their job performance.

The difference between the two models is that in the Maslow's theory, the basis are divided onto the human needs and their relative satisfaction. Where the theory suggest that a person needs to have a lower level to be fulfilled to achieve the next best thing and a fulfilled need cannot satisfy again that individual. Like if you do not have the salary, you do not crave for job security. You need the salary first.

On the other hand, Herzber's theory talks about the motivation and satisfaction getting relied on recognition and reward. Where some factors are hygiene factors which cannot satisfy the individual when present but can disatisfy when they are absent like base salaries or pay. And some are motivators which helps in satisfying and motivating the individual in the organistaion like job culture and environment or the recogniiton people give to make the employees motivated in their job in real life.

With the current situations around the world as peoole are moving towards a work from home approach, people often feel their motivation getting affected negatively and positively. For example, some would seek this as a good opportunity where they could perform work by staying at home and closer to their families, thus they are happy and performing better at their jobs. This is positive motivation. On the other hand, some people are tensed about if they would ever be able to get back to their work or not and their job status and salaries are getting reduced, this creates negative motivation towards the work. The organisation in both the cases have to take linear and progressive steps to ensure the people are well connected and motivated in their work.

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