
In: Finance

Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500...


Prior year

Current year

Accounts payable



Accounts receivable






Additional paid in capital






Common Stock @ par value






Depreciation expense



Interest expense






Long-term debt



Net fixed assets



Notes payable



Operating expenses (excl. depr.)



Retained earnings









1. What is the entry for the current year's operating expense on a common-sized income statement?

2. What is the current year's cash balance?

3. What is the current year's return on assets (ROA)?

4. What is the current year's return on equity (ROE)?

5. What is the current year's entry for long-term debt on a common-sized balance sheet?


Expert Solution

Let us calculate the Common Size Income Statement and Common size Balance sheet first,\

1) Common size Income Statement,

From given particulars, lets separate income statemet particulars and are mentioned as below,

Sales, COGS, Operating Expenses, Depreciation Expenses, Interest Expenses and Taxes

Coomon Size statement as follows,

Prior Year Currnet Year Prior Year Current Year
Sales 255600 335333 100% 100%
COGS 131400 172470 51% 51%
Operating expenses (excl. depr.) 50400 65945 20% 20%
EBITDA 73800 96918 29% 29%
Depreciation expense 21600 23655 8% 7%
EBIT 52200 73263 20% 22%
Interest expense 16200 16316 6% 5%
PBT 36000 56947 14% 17%
Taxes 9900 19395 4% 6%
Net Income 26100 37552 10% 11%

Hence from above coomon size income statement, one can conclude that Current Year Operating Expense are $65,945

2) Common size Balance Sheet,

From given particulars, lets separate Balance Sheet particulars and they are mentioned as below,

Accounts payable, Notes payable, Accruals(Assumption- current liability particular), Additional paid in capital, Common Stock @ par value, Retained earnings. Long-term debt, Accounts receivable, Inventories, Cash & Net fixed assets

Coomon Size Balance Sheet as follows,

Category Prior year Current year Prior Year Current Year
Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 7% 7%
Notes payable 59,400 64,800 10% 10%
Accruals 16,200 13,500 3% 2%
Current Liability 117,000 123,300 19% 19%
Additional paid in capital 200,000 216,660 33% 33%
Common Stock @ par value 37,600 42,000 6% 6%
Retained earnings 122,400 136,800 20% 21%
Long-term debt 135,000 138,084.00 22% 21%
Non Current Laibilities 495,000 533,544 81% 81%
Total Equity and Liability 612,000 656,844 100% 100%
Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 19% 19%
Inventories 111,600 115,200 18% 18%
Cash 7496 19644 1% 3%
Current Asset 234,296 257,244 38% 39%
Net fixed assets 377,704.00 399,600 62% 61%
Total Asset 612,000.00 656,844.00 100% 100%

From above common size balance sheet one can conclude that,

Cash for current year is $19,644

3) Formula to caculate Return on Asset is,

ROA= Net Income/ Total Asset

We have Net Income = $37,552 and Total Asset = $656,844

Therefore, ROA = 37,552/656,844

ROA = 5.72%

4) Formula to caculate Return on Equity(ROE) is,

ROE= Net Income/ Shareholder's Fund

We have Net Income = $37,552 and Shareholder's Fund = $395,460

Therefore, ROE = 37,552/395,460

ROE = 9.50 %

5) From the Common Size balance sheet one can observe that, current year's entry for long-term debt is $138,084

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Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500...
Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500 Additional paid in capital 200,000 216,660 Cash ??? ??? Common Stock @ par value 37,600 42,000 COGS 131,400 175,511.00 Depreciation expense 21,600 23,085.00 Interest expense 16,200 16,974.00 Inventories 111,600 115,200 Long-term debt 135,000 138,052.00 Net fixed assets 378,667.00 399,600 Notes payable 59,400 64,800 Operating expenses (excl. depr.) 50,400 65,892.00 Retained earnings 122,400 136,800 Sales 255,600 335,712.00 Taxes 9,900 18,931.00 What is the current year's...
Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500...
Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500 Additional paid in capital 200,000 216,660 Cash ??? ??? Common Stock @ par value 37,600 42,000 COGS 131,400 175,511.00 Depreciation expense 21,600 23,085.00 Interest expense 16,200 16,974.00 Inventories 111,600 115,200 Long-term debt 135,000 138,052.00 Net fixed assets 378,667.00 399,600 Notes payable 59,400 64,800 Operating expenses (excl. depr.) 50,400 65,892.00 Retained earnings 122,400 136,800 Sales 255,600 335,712.00 Taxes 9,900 18,931.00 What is the current year's...
Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500...
Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500 Additional paid in capital 200,000 216,660 Cash ??? ??? Common Stock @ par value 37,600 42,000 COGS 131,400 171,352.00 Depreciation expense 21,600 23,794.00 Interest expense 16,200 16,828.00 Inventories 111,600 115,200 Long-term debt 135,000 139,414.00 Net fixed assets 379,043.00 399,600 Notes payable 59,400 64,800 Operating expenses (excl. depr.) 50,400 62,481.00 Retained earnings 122,400 136,800 Sales 255,600 337,867.00 Taxes 9,900 18,575.00 What is the firm's gross...
Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500...
Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500 Additional paid in capital 200,000 216,660 Cash ??? ??? Common Stock @ par value 37,600 42,000 COGS 131,400 178,223.00 Depreciation expense 21,600 23,852.00 Interest expense 16,200 16,649.00 Inventories 111,600 115,200 Long-term debt 135,000 138,605.00 Net fixed assets 379,258.00 399,600 Notes payable 59,400 64,800 Operating expenses (excl. depr.) 50,400 65,799.00 Retained earnings 122,400 136,800 Sales 255,600 337,010.00 Taxes 9,900 19,119.00 What is the firm's current...
Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500...
Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500 Additional paid in capital 200,000 216,660 Cash ??? ??? Common Stock @ par value 37,600 42,000 COGS 131,400 174,020.00 Depreciation expense 21,600 22,237.00 Interest expense 16,200 16,207.00 Inventories 111,600 115,200 Long-term debt 135,000 138,111.00 Net fixed assets 377,019.00 399,600 Notes payable 59,400 64,800 Operating expenses (excl. depr.) 50,400 66,669.00 Retained earnings 122,400 136,800 Sales 255,600 335,862.00 Taxes 9,900 19,078.00 What is the current year's...
Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500...
Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500 Additional paid in capital 200,000 216,660 Cash ??? ??? Common Stock @ par value 37,600 42,000 COGS 131,400 174,020.00 Depreciation expense 21,600 22,237.00 Interest expense 16,200 16,207.00 Inventories 111,600 115,200 Long-term debt 135,000 138,111.00 Net fixed assets 377,019.00 399,600 Notes payable 59,400 64,800 Operating expenses (excl. depr.) 50,400 66,669.00 Retained earnings 122,400 136,800 Sales 255,600 335,862.00 Taxes 9,900 19,078.00 What is the current year's...
Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500...
Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500 Additional paid in capital 200,000 216,660 Cash ??? ??? Common Stock @ par value 37,600 42,000 COGS 131,400 174,020.00 Depreciation expense 21,600 22,237.00 Interest expense 16,200 16,207.00 Inventories 111,600 115,200 Long-term debt 135,000 138,111.00 Net fixed assets 377,019.00 399,600 Notes payable 59,400 64,800 Operating expenses (excl. depr.) 50,400 66,669.00 Retained earnings 122,400 136,800 Sales 255,600 335,862.00 Taxes 9,900 19,078.00 What is the firm's net...
Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500...
Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500 Additional paid in capital 200,000 216,660 Cash ??? ??? Common Stock @ par value 37,600 42,000 COGS 131,400 174,020.00 Depreciation expense 21,600 22,237.00 Interest expense 16,200 16,207.00 Inventories 111,600 115,200 Long-term debt 135,000 138,111.00 Net fixed assets 377,019.00 399,600 Notes payable 59,400 64,800 Operating expenses (excl. depr.) 50,400 66,669.00 Retained earnings 122,400 136,800 Sales 255,600 335,862.00 Taxes 9,900 19,078.00 What is the current year's...
Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500...
Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500 Additional paid in capital 200,000 216,660 Cash ??? ??? Common Stock @ par value 37,600 42,000 COGS 131,400 178,480.00 Depreciation expense 21,600 23,731.00 Interest expense 16,200 16,751.00 Inventories 111,600 115,200 Long-term debt 135,000 137,821.00 Net fixed assets 376,128.00 399,600 Notes payable 59,400 64,800 Operating expenses (excl. depr.) 50,400 65,598.00 Retained earnings 122,400 136,800 Sales 255,600 335,829.00 Taxes 9,900 19,235.00 What is the current year's...
Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500...
Category Prior year Current year Accounts payable 41,400 45,000 Accounts receivable 115,200 122,400 Accruals 16,200 13,500 Additional paid in capital 200,000 216,660 Cash ??? ??? Common Stock @ par value 37,600 42,000 COGS 131,400 172,399.00 Depreciation expense 21,600 22,198.00 Interest expense 16,200 16,520.00 Inventories 111,600 115,200 Long-term debt 135,000 139,799.00 Net fixed assets 376,264.00 399,600 Notes payable 59,400 64,800 Operating expenses (excl. depr.) 50,400 62,655.00 Retained earnings 122,400 136,800 Sales 255,600 336,548.00 Taxes 9,900 18,574.00 What is the firm's current...