Dear Student,
Please find below answer to your question
The meaning of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) can be
defined as below :
" To be social responsible, enterprises “should have in place a
process to integrate social, environmental, ethical human rights
and consumer concerns into their business operations and core
strategy in close collaboration with their stakeholders "
CSR as a
business strategy for sustainable Development
- CSR is deeply linked to the
concept of sustainable development and both are “moving targets” that can be achieved only by a process of
continuous improvement.
- CSR can be seen as the way firms balance environmental,
social, and economic aspects,
trying to be transparent and
accountable and establishing better practices to
create wealth and improve society.
- CSR can help to boost sustainable
development by the way of eliminating poverty and hunger,
educate, house and employ people, secure peace, security and
freedom and to preserve the Earth’s life support systems for future
- CSR can help to Changing the quality of growth
- CSR can help to Meeting essential needs for job food water
energy and sanitization
- CSR can help to Enhancing the resource best natural
- CSR can help to interlink between environment and economics in
decision making
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You !!