
In: Mechanical Engineering

Using this sample matlab code: clear all; clc A= ????????; B= ????????; AUG=[A B]; for L=1:size(A,2)...

Using this sample matlab code:

clear all;
A= ????????;
B= ????????;
AUG=[A B];
for L=1:size(A,2)
%Pivoting starts
for k=L:size(AUG,1)
for m=k+1:size(AUG,1)
if abs(AUG(k,L))<abs(AUG(m,L))
%Pivoting ends
%Gauss Elimination starts
for k=L+1:size(AUG,1)
AUG(k,:)= ????????????????????????????;
%Gauss Elimination ends

b)Write a MATLAB M-file which performs gauss elimination without pivoting step by step and shows the coefficient matrix in each step. Using cond (X, P) calculate the condition number of the final step coefficient matrix (U matrix).

c) Write a MATLAB M-file which performs gauss elimination with pivoting step by step and shows the coefficient matrix in each step.

d)Using cond (X, P) calculate the condition number of the final step coefficient matrix (U matrix).


Expert Solution

clc; clear;
%% Gauss elimination WITHOUT Pivoting
A = [3 1 4; -1 5 2; 3 1 7];
b = [1; 4; 7];
[n, n] = size(A);
% Check for zero diagonal elements
if any(diag(A)==0)
error('Division by zero will occur; pivoting not supported')
% Forward elimination
for row=1:n-1
for i=row+1:n
factor = A(i,row) / A(row,row);
for j = row:n
A(i,j) = A(i,j) - factor*A(row,j);
b(i) = b(i) - factor*b(row);
A_and_b = [A b]
% Backward substitution
x(n) = b(n) / A(n,n);
for row = n-1:-1:1
sums = b(row);
for j = row+1: n
sums = sums - A(row,j) * x(j);
x(row) = sums / A(row,row);
p1 = 1 ;
C1 = cond(A,p1)
%% Gauss elimination WITH Pivoting
A = [3 1 4; -1 5 2; 3 1 7];
b = [1; 4; 7];
% Create permutation vector
n = size(A, 1); % Size of input matrix
r = zeros(n, 1); % Initialize permutation vector
for i = 1 : 1 : n   
r(i) = i;
% Apply Gaussian elimination and rearrange permutation vector
x = zeros(n, 1); % Initialize solution vector
for k = 1 : 1 : n % Go through each element in permutation vector   
% Compare each element in r(k)th column for the max
max = abs(A(r(k), r(k)));   
max_pos = k;   
for l = k : 1 : n   
if abs(A(r(l), r(k))) > max   
max = abs(A(r(l), r(k)));   
max_pos = l;   
% Switch the kth r-vector element with max r-vector element
temp_r = r;
r(k) = temp_r(max_pos);
r(max_pos) = temp_r(k);
% Eliminate A-vector elements in r(k)th column below r(k)th row   
for i = 1 : 1 : n
if i ~= k
zeta = A(r(i), k) / A(r(k), k);
for j = k : 1 : n
A(r(i), j) = A(r(i), j) - A(r(k), j) * zeta;
b(r(i)) = b(r(i)) - b(r(k)) * zeta;
% Compute the solution frpm the diagonalized A-matrix
for i = 1 : 1 : n
x(i) = b(r(i)) / A(r(i), i)
p2 = 1 ;
C2 = cond(A,p2)

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