
In: Electrical Engineering

using matlab Show the two formals or figures in time domin and z dominclc clear all...

using matlab

Show the two formals or figures in time domin and z dominclc

clear all







Expert Solution

Overall Code used including the above given to Represent the Ez in Z and t domain

syms z t
s = (z^2 - 4*z + 5)/(z^3 - 6* z^2 + 11 *z - 6);

This above given code produces the Transfer function in Z domain as

Ez =

z^2 - 4 z + 5
z^3 - 6 z^2 + 11 z - 6

Ans there pole zero plot

To convert it into time domain we will use Invert Z Transform using code

syms z t

s = (z^2 - 4*z + 5)/(z^3 - 6* z^2 + 11 *z - 6);


In Time domain E(t) =

3^t/3 - 2^t/2 - (5*kroneckerDelta(t, 0))/6 + 1


3^t/3 - 2^t/2 - (5*(t))/6 + 1

Working Screenshot

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