
In: Electrical Engineering

create a VHDL program for the Truth Table below. Please make sure to create your code...

create a VHDL program for the Truth Table below. Please make sure

to create your code for the simplified circuit.

0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0


Expert Solution

The design code and testbench code for your reference are added below

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity simplog is
  a: in std_logic;
  b: in std_logic;
    c: in std_logic;

  z: out std_logic);
end simplog;

architecture dataflow of simplog is
z<= ((not b)and a)or(b xor c);
end dataflow;


-- Testbench for simplog gate
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity testbench is
-- empty
end testbench;

architecture tb of testbench is

-- DUT component
component simplog is
  a: in std_logic;
  b: in std_logic;
      c: in std_logic;

  z: out std_logic);
end component;

signal a_in, b_in,c_in, z_out: std_logic;


  -- Connect DUT
  DUT: simplog port map(a_in, b_in,c_in,z_out);

    a_in <= '0';
    b_in <= '0';
        c_in <= '0';

    wait for 1 ns;
    a_in <= '0';
    b_in <= '0';
        c_in <= '1';

    wait for 1 ns;
    a_in <= '0';
    b_in <= '1';
        c_in <= '0';

    wait for 1 ns;
    a_in <= '0';
    b_in <= '1';
        c_in <= '1';

    wait for 1 ns;

    a_in <= '1';
    b_in <= '0';
        c_in <= '0';

    wait for 1 ns;
    a_in <= '1';
    b_in <= '0';
        c_in <= '1';

    wait for 1 ns;

    a_in <= '1';
    b_in <= '1';
        c_in <= '0';

    wait for 1 ns;
    a_in <= '1';
    b_in <= '1';
        c_in <= '1';

wait for 1 ns;
  end process;
end tb;

Please try again as I have used the same tool as that of yours and its working fine in this tool as well ,so we are getting the required waveform.

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