
In: Biology

Read Chapter 14 clinical focus and answer the following questions: Part 1: What types of antimicrobials are typically prescribed for UTIs?

Read Chapter 14 clinical focus and answer the following questions:

Part 1: What types of antimicrobials are typically prescribed for UTIs? Based upon the antimicrobial drugs she was given in Vietnam, which of the antimicrobials for treatment of a UTI would you predict to be ineffective?

Part 2: How would doctors determine which types of antimicrobial drugs should be administered? Resolution: What is the resolution for this clinical focus?


Expert Solution

Part 1 :

UTI or Urinary tract infection is basically a disease of the urinary system which includes kidneys, ureters, bladder and the urethra. This disease can be treated by using antimicrobials.

The most common antimicrobials prescribed for this are -

1. Amoxicillin or Augmentin,

2. Nitrofurantoin,

3. Ceftriaxone,

4. Fosmomycin,

5. Levofloxacin,

6. Cephalexin,


8. Trimethoprim


Part 2 : Doctors determine the required antimicrobials by testing the urine samples. If the sample contain bacteria, then the sample will be cultured in different growth mediums. The growth medium will contain either with a particular antimicrobial or without that particular antimicrobial. This will be done to check that which bacteria is causing the disease.


For example, there are two different plates one with antimicrobial A one without antimicrobial A. If there is growth even in presence of antimicrobial A that means the bacteria present in the sample is resistant for the antimicrobial A. So this drug will not be effective to cure the disease. In that case other antimicrobials will be tested. If the presence of an antimicrobial causing no such growth then that particular antimicrobial can be used to treat the disease.



A course of antimicrobials can treat the disease.

One should drink plenty of fluids so that the body remains hydrated and through urine bacteria can be flushed out.

Preventive - One should be careful using public toilet to avoid the transmission. Sanitization of the toilet seats can be effective in this case.

A course of antimicrobials can treat the disease.

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