
In: Physics

An electron is moving in the field of a helium nucleus (Q = +2e). 1,) What...

An electron is moving in the field of a helium nucleus (Q = +2e).

1,) What is the change in the electrons potential energy when it moves from a circular orbit of radius 3


Expert Solution


U= F*d= [Kq1q2/d2]* d= Kq1q2/d

so from the above equation, electron potential energy, U is inversely proportional to d

U ~1/d

U1= 9*109* 1.6*10-19* 2* 1.6*10-19/3*10-10 = 15.36*10-19J

U2 =  9*109* 1.6*10-19* 2* 1.6*10-19/2*10-10 = 23.04*10-19J

change in potential energy, delta U= U2 -U1= 7.68*10-19J

2) Using the centripetal force, we get the expression for velocity as,

mev2/r= kq1q2/r2 [ me- mass of electron, q1 charge of electron and q2-charge of helium]

v2= kq1q2 / mr

v= [  kq1q2 / mr ] 1/2

For r1= 3*10-10m, v1= 1.3*106 m/s

For r2= 2*10-10m, v2= 1.6*106 m/s

KE1= 1/2mev12= 7.7*10-19J

KE2= 1/2mev22= 11.7*10-19J

Change in KE= KE2-KE1= 4*10-19J


The law of conservation of energy states that the total amount of energy in a system remains constant although energy within the system can be changed from one form to another or transferred from one object to another. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed.

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