
In: Economics

Multiple Regression Analysis The company has been able to determine that its sales in dollars depend...

Multiple Regression Analysis

The company has been able to determine that its sales in dollars depend on advertising and

of the number of sellers and for this reason, it uses the data from previous years to

be able to forecast possible sales for the year 2020.

Y           X1 ($ 000)   X2 ($ 000)

Year          Sales    Advertising   Salesman

2013        $ 10          $ 1                       1

2014       $ 15            $ 2                     1

2015       $ 25            $ 3                      2

2016      $ 40            $ 5 3

2017      $ 70             $6                       3

2018      $ 110         $ 8                        4

2019      $ 150          $ 9                        6


a) Calculate the values ​​of the letters a, b1, b2. (excel)

b) Write down the problem Regression equation

c) Calculate sales by 2020 if the advertising were $ 14,000 and the number of sellers out of 10.


Expert Solution

We have the following data from the given problem.

Year Sales Advertising Salesman
2013 10 1 1
2014 15 2 1
2015 25 3 2
2016 40 5 3
2017 70 6 3
2018 110 8 4
2019 150 9 6

a) Now, the regression equation is Y = a +b1x1+ b2x2 +u

here, Y = sales

x1 = Advertisement

x2 = Salesman

Using excel we get the following result.

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.97
R Square 0.95
Adjusted R Square 0.92
Standard Error 14.55
Observations 7.00
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2.00 16003.65 8001.82 37.82 0.00
Residual 4.00 846.35 211.59
Total 6.00 16850.00
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept -23.96 11.11 -2.16 0.10 -54.80 6.89 -54.80 6.89
Advertising (A) 7.60 6.96 1.09 0.34 -11.73 26.94 -11.73 26.94
Salesmane (Sa) 16.46 11.88 1.39 0.24 -16.52 49.43 -16.52 49.43

Thus, a = -23.96

b1 = 7.60

b2 = 16.46

b) The regression equation is - Y = -23.96 + 7.60x1 + 16.46x2

c) In 2020, x1 = 14 and x2 = 10

Putting this in the above equation we get,

Y = -23.96 + 7.60 * 14 + 16.46 * 10 = 247

Thus, sales in 2020 = 247000

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