
In: Nursing

Using the matrix below, summarize the practical knowledge, skills and behavior needed to accomplish each of...

Using the matrix below, summarize the practical knowledge, skills and behavior needed to accomplish each of the step in the Nutrition Care Process.

answer what knowledge, skill and behavior or attitude need in the given steps in NUTRITION CARE PROCESS

Steps in Nutrition Care Process

Knowledge Needed

Skills Needed

Behavior/Attitude Needed

Nutrition Assessment

Nutrition Diagnosis

Nutrition Intervention

Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation


Expert Solution

There are four steps in the process:

  1. Nutrition Assessment.
  2. Nutrition Diagnosis.
  3. Nutrition Intervention.
  4. Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation.

1. Nutrition assessment

Data collected during nutritional assessment guides the RD in selection of the appropriate nutrition diagnosis. That is naming the specific problem.

The assessment is a dynamic and ongoing
evaluation of data that includes medical,
health, social, dietary, nutritional,
medication, supplemental or herbal history,
physical, anthropometrics, and laboratory.
The purpose is to make professional
judgement about nutrition status, and this is
the foundation of nutrition care.

Assessment ABCD’s




2. Nutrition diagnosis

The purpose of the nutrition diagnosis it to
identify and describe a specific nutrition
problem that can be resolved or improved
through treatment/nutrition intervention
by a food and nutrition professional.

Intake: Too much or too little of a food or nutrient compared to actual or estimated
Ex. Excessive Energy Intake
Clinical: Nutrition problems that relate to medical or physical conditions.
Ex. Difficulty Swallowing
Behavioral: Knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, physical environment, access to food, or
Ex. Disordered Eating Pattern

3. Nutrition intervention

Root cause (or etiology) of the nutrition problem and aimed at alleviating the signs and
symptoms of the diagnosis.

The intervention is the purposeful action of
the RD aimed at improving the condition of
the patient’s nutrition diagnosis. They
include interventions, such as, “nutrition
related medication management,” “nutrition
education,” and “nutrition counseling.”
Goals must be:
-Measurable/ Realistically
-Related to P.E.S. Statements in order to
create unification throughout the NCP.

4. Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation.

Determine if the patient/client has achieved or is making progress toward the planned goals.

Plan set in motion by the nutrition professional
is not only appropriate for that patient but
attainable and maintainable.
RD will assess whether the goals and plan set in
motion is appropriate and how to adjust it as
time passes.
Nutrition Monitoring: preplanned review and
measurement of selected nutrition care
indicators of patient/client’s status
Nutrition Evaluation: the systematic
comparison of current findings with the
previous status

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