In: Psychology
Answer the below questions using 200-250 words for each answer.
DQ 1: Assessing healthy behavior choices
These don’t need to be answered in 1-2-3 order. Use the following questions as a guide for your answer. They are the springboard for discussion and the topics should be addressed in your answer. Be sure to support your opinions and suggestions. That is what academic discussion is all about!:
Have you personally used exercise to manage stress? In what situations and with what type of exercise? Explain. If not, what are your personal roadblocks to exercising regularly?
Can you see any areas in which your behaviors are not healthy? Explain as comfortable.
Which of the techniques for controlling stressful behaviors, can you use to improve your exercise and healthy behaviors? Explain.
When looking at the Stages of Change Theory, what stage are you in making these healthful changes? Explain.
Of the health Belief Model, Self-Efficacy Theory, and Goal-Setting Theory, which is most likely to motivate you? Explain.
DQ 2: Coping with prejudice and
Has there been a time in your life when you experienced prejudice
or discrimination? This could be due to race, ethnicity, gender,
sexual orientation, ableism, age, or even family structure. Explain
the situation. Looking back, can you see a stress reaction from the
situation? How might you react differently next time? What methods
might you use to change that reaction?
Stress is a part and parcel of life, if we accept that then a person is able to cope with stress well, if we try to avoid or get worried when we face more stress then it becomes more stressful. Stress is helpful also, as it gives more productive work. But not helpful, if it is everyday. I ave practised meditation or yoga, and it definately helps is reducing stress. Yoga which involves streching, helps in gaining mind peace. Even going out for walk helps in reducing stress.
I can see that I tend to take up too much of things on my shoulder, and I try to complete it. which puts me under stress. I want to change this behaviour. and currently I am into implementing this behaviour, thereby seeking or imagining more ideas of redusing this behaviour. Hence this stage of implementation is helpful.
Self efficacy theory motivates me the most, as I have almost got many tasks achieved due to this theory. What are you able to achieve is through your inner self and internal confidence, you can achieve wonders through it. If you lost your confidence, then it is hard to achieve even a single task.