In: Biology
Lake stratification means the difference in temperature in different layers of water in lake. THe uppermost layer is known as Epilimnion the middle layer known as Metalimnion and the lower most layer in known as Hypolimnion. The cold in denser and remains in the lower layer, whereas, the warm water is less dense and remains the upper layer. THe highest density of freshwater is n 4degree centrigrade.
THe stratification can be tested by measuring the amount of dissolved oxygen in water. The upper most or the Epilimnion is mixed up eoth water and sunlight continuously and gets a good amount of dissolved oxygen. Wheras in the middle layer the temperature changes rapidly so the amount of dissolves oxygen also changes. Finally at the lowest level that is the Hypolimnion has the densest and coldest water. It mixes with the upper layers with less frequent manner so this layer contains minimum amount of oxygen.