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FDR and the New Deal Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the New Deal. Why did...

FDR and the New Deal

Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the New Deal. Why did some Americans oppose the New Deal? Use examples from the essays by David Kennedy or Matthew Avery Sutton and from one document in Major Problems. You may use brief quotes from the authors but be sure to assess their arguments in your own words.


Expert Solution

Strengths and weaknesses for the New Deal


  • The depression did not lead to extreme movements eg: communism taking hold
  • Many millions of jobs were created and vital relief(food, shelter and clothing) were supplied to the poor
  • Agriculture and industry benefited from efficient infrastructure (roads and services)


  • Unemployment rose dramatically
  • Roosevelt did not conquer unemployment
  • The USA trade did not recover
  • He failed to convince his own supporters of the need to change the organisation of the Supreme Court to stop it opposing his reforms
  • African Americans gained relatively little from the New Deal


The New Deal benefited some individuals and did help USA out of the depression but did not solve all the problems.

There were several reasons why some Americans opposed the ‘New Deal’ but it wasn’t only because these people were rich. Some Americans thought the ‘New Deal’ did too much but some thought it did too little.

        Roosevelt’s main left wing opposition was Huey Long. Huey Long was a Democrat and he started his political career in 1928 when he became Governor of Louisiana. When the Depression hit Louisiana he spent public money to build hospitals, schools etc. his slogan was, “Every man a king, but no man wears a crown.” In Long’s speeches, he criticised Roosevelt by saying that Roosevelt’s ‘New Deal’ did too little. Instead Long came up with an alternative to the ‘New Deal’. It was known as 'Share Our Wealth’. He said if he were to become President then he would take $3 million from the rich people and then give every family $4000- 5000. Then he would introduce national minimum wage, old age pensions and house for war veterans.

        Another opponent to Roosevelt was Frances Townsend who was a retired doctor from California. He wanted $200 a month given to every citizen over sixty. This gained a lot of support for him, as 10 percent of all Californians were pensioners. Frances Townsend then Father Charles Coughlin who was a Roman Catholic priest, he ran the National Union for social Justice. This aimed to provide work and fair wages. Coughlin said that Roosevelt was ‘anti- god’ and then decided to stand for the 1936 elections.

The right wing also said that Roosevelt was doing too much when Eleanor Roosevelt spoke out for the poor and unemployed. They said that she should only remain at her husband’s side and not take part in any political affairs, for example make speeches etc. because it was not her job.

        Critics from the right (not only the rich) opposed the ‘New Deal’ because they thought it was doing too much. The opposition was therefore quite diverse, with different political opinions and economic interests represented. The rich were prominent and vocal, but they were not really Roosevelt’s only opponents.

Thanking you hopefully you liked my content. All the very best in your preparation.????????   

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