In: Economics
If the society wishes to reduce the pollution it is better to
tax the pollution rather than setting a limit on
pollution.Pollution is a negative externality which needs to be
controlled.By taxing the pollution the polluters will reduce the
emissions to the minimum level but while setting a limit polluters
will always have a tendency to go beyond this threshold limit as
they do not have to make any payments for the extra emissions.while
taxing the pollution the marginal cost for polluting the
environment will increase and the polluters will resort to minimum
emission of pollutants.An example for taxing pollution is carbon
tax.When the polluters starts emitting carbon beyond a particular
level the polluters have to pay taxes
When the government issues tradeable pollution permits it will
increase the social welfare as the firms will be allowed to pollute
the environment only up to a certain limit.Not all firms are
provided with the same number of permits it depends upon the extend
of pollution each firms produces.Whenever firms produces less
pollution than permitted it can sell its permits to other countries
producing more pollutants.