
In: Nursing

This is a Discussion Board Question for Laboratory Procedures 2 Class........ In your own words, why...

This is a Discussion Board Question for Laboratory Procedures 2 Class........

In your own words, why is the Corona virus SARcov-2 worse than the Influenza virus? And are the prevention measurements for both the same?


Expert Solution

First iam discuesdiscuesssome properties of virus.

# it dont have cellular organisation     # contain only one type of nuclic acidDNA/RNA. # Obligate intracellular parasite, depend on host cell for replication. # Extracellular infectious virus particle - virions.

Here corona virus sars cov 2 and influenza virus both are RNA virus.

Envelop RNAvirus with helical symmetry. Influenza virus is in the group of Orthomixoviridae.

corona virus sars cov 2 in corona viridae family. The reason for worse the noval corina virrys desease due to the difference from influenza virus , iam say that that can be due to

1. Sars cov 2 virus is infect lower respiratory tract also because it is a zoonotic desease that species can replicate these virus in 37°c in lower part of the respiratory tract and cause other parts of the body also. But in case of flu and human corona virus is infected upper part of the respiratoŕy tract.

# It case of corina virus sars cov 2 case there is aerosolisation is sudpected. That mean a infected persons aerosols can present in surroundings if after that person go out , it can infect other persons by inhalation of aerosoles also infected animals also suspect to aerosolisation. Thos is not in the case of influenza virus.

#Mode of transmition and transmitting rate that is rapid contageous is high incase sars cov 2 virus case than influenza.  

in case of flu that infect one person to one another person.

but in case sars cov 2 it is double than flu , soo rapid 8ncreasing of infected numbers increases.

in case of flu there is incubation period is very loveryan sars cov 2 it is about 2 days . Sars cov 2 incubation period up to 14 days that lead the increasing of infections in these time.

In all over i can say that cotagicity of onfection is high in sars cov 2 , this lead to more persons infected with limited time.

# vaacines: vaccines is not availablle in sars cov2 ,than in case of flues . It will make immunity is destroy influenza virus infection .but there no specific immunity against sars cov 2.

Differenciation between sars cov2 and influenza only based on the laboratory idengification .

in case of these more tests availvle in ase of flu , also naat Nuclic acid amplification type and RT PCR test and antigen detection test is available in case of sars cov 2. Number if test rate increases the identi fication and further procedure.

2. Ptevention measurements are available in both case some differebce is in sars cov 2 case there infectivity rate is high and roll of ommunity is low i mean that no vaaccination soo the most effective are is "social distance".

Sars cov 2 there is no medication and vaccination is find out.

soo keepong fluid and in sevear case hospitalisation and oxygen provide ventillator helping measures are taken . Flu there also no specific medication is available but less than that of sars cov 2.

infection occurea throug cough aeroaoles also formities. ( formities mean the thing that infected person is used).

personal highgene us very important and hqnd washing os most impotrant in case sars cov2 thqn flu.

very important is social sistant os impootant in case of sars cov 2 than flu other wise most of them can infected with these. Also this effect other part and woraen in case of person have other desease like respiratory problem , myocarditis and non communicable drsesae also.

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