
In: Biology

Use the Internet to find an environmentally related problem that is happening in your area. Present...

Use the Internet to find an environmentally related problem that is happening in your area. Present information about the history behind this problem including the population growth model in the area, what factors led to its occurring and who might be responsible for it. Share what is being done to solve the problem and how effective those efforts are. Present ideas from the textbook about how the problem might be mitigated. Extrapolate your local issue to the global environment. What classes of environmental problems seem to be widespread and recurring across our country and the world. How is population growth related to the problem ?


Expert Solution

  • Environmental related problems include, deforestration , increase in global temperature ie global warming , agricultural land exploitation, Disturbances in coastal regions, Air pollution due to vehicle exhaust etc..
  • As the population increases , the forest cover is gradually removed , this is a major impact of population increase. This leads to disturbance for animals that are present in the particular habitat and affect their living.
  • If there is no human impact in these forest area there is no other intervention which causes the forest cover to be removed. Natural disasters like forest fire, acid rain will have some impact on the forest but recover on its own in a short time . But human intervention is hard to reverse.
  • Due to increase in population , poverty also increases which leads poor sanitation , more forest land deforestation . As the fertility rate increases in female, the population incraeses in particular area which leads to decrease in the availability of food , poor sanitation .
  • Because of poverty , the farmers of agricultural lands unable to maintain their lands ultimately leads to soil infertility and the lands are unable to produce crops leading to futher economical loss.
  • It is clear that improved ecosystem maintenance, sufficient investment on lands, productivity of crops and the personal income of the individual all inter related to have an healthy environment.
  • Availability of water is major problem if the population increases., then water availability becomes scarce .
  • Due to rapid urbanisation by increased population there is increase in industrial developments thereby water bodies are polluted rapidly. Wastes from the industries are dumped into the water bodies which is ultimately dumped into the sea thus polluting coastal environments.
  • Moreover due to over population , ground water level is depleted and thus it craestes impact on agricultural lands.
  • Population growth also has profound impact on coastal regions. Mangrove forests are removed and are converted to fish and shrimp farms. This ultimately has impact on the coastal habitat and the nature of the environment in the coastal region is affected.
  • Due to the increased levels of population , there is increased use of fossil fuels all over the world. This leads to rapid depletion of fossil fuels and also impacts the energy production.
  • Due to rapid incresae in the population growth , vehicle exhaust also increases which leads to the depletion in teh quality of the air leading to many health ailment globally.
  • Due to increased vehicle exhaust , increased industrialisation and factors that contribute to increased CO2 leads to increase in global warming .
  • Due to increase in global warming , it affects the climate of the world as a whole. It also increases the sea level there by submerging the land area.
  • Thus , these are the effects of population growth which ultimately has several impacvts on the environment.

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