The hydrolysis of 1-chloro-1-methyl cylcoheptane in 80% ethanol follows a first order rate equation. The values...

The hydrolysis of 1-chloro-1-methyl cylcoheptane in 80% ethanol follows a first order rate equation. The values of the specific reaction rate constants are:

temp/C 0 25 35 45
k/s-1 1.06x10-5 3.19x10-4 9.86x10-4 2.92x10-3

1. Plot Ln(k) against 1/T

2. Calculate the activation energy

3. Calculate the pre-exponential factor

In: Chemistry

The next 7 questions are related to the titration of 60.0 mL of a 0.0250 M...

The next 7 questions are related to the titration of 60.0 mL of a 0.0250 M Zn2+ solution with 0.0600 M EDTA in a solution buffered at pH 11. Assume that the temperature is 25 oC and that the formation constant for Zn2+ is 3.13 x 1016 at this temperature.

How many mmols of Zn2+ are present in the solution before the titration begins?

What volume of the EDTA solution is needed to reach the equivalence point?

What is the conditional formation constant for Zn at this pH?

What is the pZn of the analyte solution before the titration begins?

What is the pZn of the solution after 15 mL of titrant have been added?

What is the pZn at the equivalence point of the titration?

What is the pZn of the solution after 30 mL of titrant have been added?

In: Chemistry

A 0.4775 g sample of pewter, containing tin, lead, copper, and zinc, was dissolved in acid....

A 0.4775 g sample of pewter, containing tin, lead, copper, and zinc, was dissolved in acid. Tin was precipitated as SnO2·4H2O and removed by filtration. The resulting filtrate and washings were diluted to a total volume of 200.0 mL. A 20.00 mL aliquot of this solution was buffered, and titration of the lead, copper, and zinc in solution required 35.98 mL of 0.001455 M EDTA. Thiosulfate was used to mask the copper in a second 25.00 mL aliquot. Titration of the lead and zinc in this aliquot required 34.00 mL of the EDTA solution. Finally, cyanide was used to mask the copper and the zinc in a third 30.00 mL aliquot. Titration of the lead in this aliquot required 27.43 mL of the EDTA solution. Determine the percent composition by mass of each metal in the pewter sample.

In: Chemistry

Carbonic acid (H2CO3) is a weak diprotic acid with Ka1=4.43×10−7 and Ka2=4.73×10−11. When sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)...

Carbonic acid (H2CO3) is a weak diprotic acid with Ka1=4.43×10−7 and Ka2=4.73×10−11. When sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is titrated with hydrochloric acid (HCl), it acts as a weak base according to the equation


Suitable indicators are those that change color within the pH range for the equivalence point of a specific titration. The expected pH at the equivalence point can be calculated using pKa values. Suitable indicators for use in titrating carbonic acid or carbonate solutions are methyl orange and phenolphthalein.

Part A

What volume of 0.130 M HCl is required for the complete neutralization of 2.00 g of NaHCO3(sodium bicarbonate)?

What volume of 0.170 M HCl is required for the complete neutralization of 1.50 g of Na2CO3(sodium carbonate)?

A sample of NaOH (sodium hydroxide) contains a small amount of Na2CO3 (sodium carbonate). For titration to the phenolphthalein endpoint, 0.190 g of this sample requires 23.98 mL of 0.100 MHCl. An additional 0.700 mL of 0.100 M HCl is required to reach the methyl orange endpoint. What is the percentage of Na2CO3 by mass in the sample?

In: Chemistry

CCl F is considered to be environmentally safe and is used as a refrigerant. The heat...

CCl F is considered to be environmentally safe and is used as a refrigerant. The heat of vaporization of CCl F is 289 J/g. What mass of this substance must evaporate in order to freeze 2 moles of water initially at 20°C? The heat of fusion of water is 334 J/g and the specific heat of water is 4.18 J/g-K.

In: Chemistry

Solid carbon can react with gaseous water to form carbon monoxide gas and hydrogen gas. The...

Solid carbon can react with gaseous water to form carbon monoxide gas and hydrogen gas. The equilibrium constant for the reaction at 700.0 K is Kp=1.60×10−3.

. If a 1.55-L reaction vessel initially contains 153 torr of water at 700.0 K in contact with excess solid carbon, find the percent by mass of hydrogen gas of the gaseous reaction mixture at equilibrium.

mH2/mH2+mCO+mH2O =

In: Chemistry

A 1.0 M solution of a compound with 2 ionizable groups (pKa's = 6.2 and 9.5;...

A 1.0 M solution of a compound with 2 ionizable groups (pKa's = 6.2 and 9.5; 100 mL total) has a pH of 6.8. What are the concentrations of the relevant acid and conjugate base?

In: Chemistry

Carboxylic Acids. Lipids are a macromolecule we need to survive and many of them happen to...

Carboxylic Acids. Lipids are a macromolecule we need to survive and many of them happen to contain carboxylic acids. Choose one lipid - could be a particular steroid, fatty acid, or tri-glyceride and discuss its structure and potential reactivity. please cite on source using APA citation format.

In: Chemistry

QUESTION 1. Cool and condense benzene for storage (F&R 8.38) At OzChem plant, benzene vapour is...

QUESTION 1. Cool and condense benzene for storage (F&R 8.38)

At OzChem plant, benzene vapour is processed as a reagent. The plant produces benzene as a vapour (at 5780C, 1 atm), which is cooled and converted to a liquid at 250C in a continuous condenser that operates at 1 atm pressure (the pressure drop is negligible). The liquid condensate from the condenser is transferred at a rate of 150 mol/s into storage tanks. Calculate the rate (in kW) at which heat must be transferred from the benzene in the condenser.

In: Chemistry

A balloon contains 0.76 mol N2, 0.18 mol O2, 0.031 mol He and 0.026 mol H2...

A balloon contains 0.76 mol N2, 0.18 mol O2, 0.031 mol He and 0.026 mol H2 at 749 mm Hg. What is the partial pressure of O2?

In: Chemistry

Discuss the key differences between template synthesis vs template-free synthesis

Discuss the key differences between template synthesis vs template-free synthesis

In: Chemistry

The Lennard-Jones potential energy, U(x), is a function of "x" the distance between a pair of...

The Lennard-Jones potential energy, U(x), is a function of "x" the distance between a pair of molecules. It is frequently called the van der Walls potential between molecules for dipole-dipole interactions. The potential is

U(x) = C12/ x^12 - C6/x^6             [1]

Here we assume for water molecules:

C12 = 9.5 x 104" J•m12

C6 = 1 x 10-76 J•m6.

(a) What is the separation distance (Xs) between two water molecules where the applied force (F) to pull the molecules apart is a maximum. Recall F = dU/dx.

(b) Calculate the maximum force (Fmax) required to separate two water molecules [overcome the cohesive force between the molecules].

(c) If oxygen has a mass of 16 g/mole and hydrogen has a mass of 1 g/mole, using Avodadro's number (6 x 10^23 molecules/mole) and the gravitational force of 9.8 m/s^2, calculate the force of attraction (due to weight) of one water molecule toward Earth.

(d) How does the gravitational force compare to van der Waals force of attraction of two water molecules?

In: Chemistry

Give the empirical formula of each of the following compounds if a sample contains the following...

Give the empirical formula of each of the following compounds if a sample contains the following quantities of each element. (Type your answer using the format CO2 for CO2.)

(a) 0.0455 mol C, 0.039 mol H, and 0.013 mol O

(b) 6.44 g nitrogen and 3.67 g oxygen

(c) 69.9% iron and 30.1% oxygen by mass

In: Chemistry

Container A holds 732 mL of ideal gas at 2.30 atm. Container B holds 114 mL...

Container A holds 732 mL of ideal gas at 2.30 atm. Container B holds 114 mL of ideal gas at 4.30 atm. If the gases are allowed to mix together, what is the resulting pressure?

In: Chemistry

1. Using a table of standard reduction potentials, standard conditions are assumed. (a) Arrange the following...

1. Using a table of standard reduction potentials, standard conditions are assumed.

(a) Arrange the following chemical species: Zn(s), Cl-(aq), Cu(s), K(s), and H2(g) in order of their ease of oxidation, from easiest to oxidize to hardest to oxidize.

(b) Arrange the following chemical species: H+(aq), I2(s), Na+(aq), Ag+(aq), and H2O(l) in order of their ease of reduction, from easiest to reduce to hardest to reduce.

2. Which of the following reactions is/are product favored?

Zn(s) + I2(s) ? Zn+2 (aq) + 2I-(aq)

2Cl-(aq) + I2(s) ? Cl2(g) + 2I-(aq)

2Na+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq) ? 2Na(s) + Cl2(g)

2K(s) + 2H2O(l) ? 2K+(aq) + H2(g) + 2OH-(aq)

In: Chemistry