The atmosphere slowly oxidizes hydrocarbons in a number of steps that eventually convert the hydrocarbon into...

The atmosphere slowly oxidizes hydrocarbons in a number of steps that eventually convert the hydrocarbon into carbon dioxide and water. The overall reactions of a number of such steps for methane gas is
Suppose that an atmospheric chemist combines 145 mL of methane at STP, 885 mL of oxygen at STP, and 59.5 mL of NO at STP in a 1.8 −L flask. The reaction is allowed to stand for several weeks at 275 K .

If the reaction reaches 92.0% of completion (92.0% of the limiting reactant is consumed), what are the partial pressures of each of the reactants in the flask at 275 K ?

If the reaction reaches 92.0% of completion (92.0% of the limiting reactant is consumed), what are the partial pressures of each of the products in the flask at 275 K ?

What is the total pressure in the flask?

In: Chemistry

Using the set of smallest whole number coefficients to balance the redox equation MnO4- + NO2-...

Using the set of smallest whole number coefficients to balance the redox equation

MnO4- + NO2- ---> MnO2 + NO3-

in basic solution, you get

a) 2 OH- on the right.

b) 3 OH- on the left.

c) 1 H2O on the right

d) 3 H2O on the left

In: Chemistry

TLC analysis of an unknown sample using pure ethyl acetate as a developing solvent gives a...

TLC analysis of an unknown sample using pure ethyl acetate as a developing solvent gives a single spot with an Rf value of 0.08.

A. Explain why this result doesn't guarantee that the sample is a pure compound.

B. Suggest two changes that could be made to the experiment to improve the analysis of the unkonwn sample.

In: Chemistry

(1)   What do you assume the entropy S for a perfect crystal when T = 0?...

(1)   What do you assume the entropy S for a perfect crystal when T = 0?

(2)   Is the S(0) still zero if the crystal is not perfect? Why?

(3)   How to calculate dS when under the constant pressure and cp is given?

(4)   How to calculate the entropy of H2O at 500 K?

(5)   How to calculate the entropy change for a chemical reaction if you can find the S for each chemical?

(6)   For an isolated thermodynamic system, dS ³ 0. That is, dS = 0 for a reversible process and dS > 0 for an irreversible process (spontaneous process).

In: Chemistry

4. What conditions need to be present in order for the Henderson- Hasselbach equation to be...

4. What conditions need to be present in order for the Henderson- Hasselbach equation to be used?

pH=pKa+log [A-]/[HA]

A- There needs to be equal amounts of an acid and a base.

B- Only a salt that contains non-spectator ions needs to be present.

C- There has to be conjugate pairs both initially present in the solution.

In: Chemistry

A flask contains 30.5 g of oxygen gas, 45.7 g of sulfur dioxide gas and 23.9...

A flask contains 30.5 g of oxygen gas, 45.7 g of sulfur dioxide gas and 23.9 g of fluorine gas. If the total pressure of the flask is 1.45 atm, what is the partial pressure of sulfur dioxide gas in the flask?

In: Chemistry

Integrated Rate Laws: Working with Zero Order Reactions Experiments have shown the following reaction to be...

Integrated Rate Laws: Working with Zero Order Reactions Experiments have shown the following reaction to be zero order with a rate constant = 2.50 10-1 M/sec. A → B + 2 C If you started with [A] = 2.600 M, how many minutes until the concentration of A = 2.300 M? .02 Correct: Your answer is correct. minutes How many minutes until the concentration of C reaches equals 0.899999999999999 M? 1.73 Incorrect: Your answer is incorrect. minutes

In: Chemistry

A solution is prepared by mixing 25.0g pentane with 75.0g hexane. The density of the solution...

A solution is prepared by mixing 25.0g pentane with 75.0g hexane. The density of the solution is 0.65g/mL. Determine the molarity and the molality of the solution.

*Please be as thorough as possible without skipping any steps. Thank you!

In: Chemistry

A voltaic cell has one half-cell with a Cu bar in a 1.00 M Cu2+ salt...

A voltaic cell has one half-cell with a Cu bar in a 1.00 M Cu2+ salt and the other half-cell with a Cd bar in the same volume of a 1.00 M Cd2+ salt.

(a) Find E o cell , ΔG o , and K. Report your answers to the correct number of significant figures.

E o cell = V

ΔG o = × 10 J

K = × 10

(b) As the cell operates, [Cd2+] increases; find E cell when [Cd2+] is 1.95 M.

E cell = V

(c) Find E cell , ΔG, and [Cu2+] at equilibrium.

E cell = V

ΔG = J

[Cu2+] = × 10 M

In: Chemistry

Using the sample in question 3, how many counts per second would be observed when the...

Using the sample in question 3, how many counts per second would be observed when the detector is 10 meters away from the sample? 5. If a 10 gram sample of a radioactive substance has a half-life of 6000 years, how much would be present after 8000 years? 6. If Nitrogen-14 absorbs an alpha particle and then emits a Hydrogen-1, what is the resulting nucleus? 7. If Au-185 emits an alpha particle, what is the nucleus formed? 8. What nucleus emits an alpha particle and forms Th-234? 9. If Th-234 emits a beta particle, what nucleus is formed? 10. If Nitrogen-14 absorbs a neutron and then emits a Hydrogen-1, what nucleus is formed

In: Chemistry

Calculate the change in Gibbs free energy for each of the following sets of ΔH∘rxn, ΔS∘rxn,...

Calculate the change in Gibbs free energy for each of the following sets of ΔH∘rxn, ΔS∘rxn, and T.

ΔH∘rxn=− 132 kJ ; ΔS∘rxn= 260 J/K ; T= 310 K

ΔH∘rxn= 132 kJ ; ΔS∘rxn=− 260 J/K ; T= 310 K

ΔH∘rxn=− 132 kJ ; ΔS∘rxn=− 260 J/K ; T= 310 K

ΔH∘rxn=− 132 kJ ; ΔS∘rxn=− 260 J/K ; T= 563 K

In: Chemistry

A. Calculate KP at 298 K for the reaction NO(g)+12O2(g)→NO2(g) assuming that ΔH∘R is constant over...

A. Calculate KP at 298 K for the reaction NO(g)+12O2(g)→NO2(g) assuming that ΔHR is constant over the interval 298-600 K.

B. Calculate KP at 486 K for this reaction assuming that ΔHR is constant over the interval 298-600 K.

Thank you

In: Chemistry

1. How many grams of ethylene glycol, C2H4(OH)2, are needed per kilogram of water to protect...

1. How many grams of ethylene glycol, C2H4(OH)2, are needed per kilogram of water to protect radiator fluid against freezing down to -10°C?

2. For benzene, C6H6, the freezing point constant, Kf, is 5.12 K oC/m and its normal freezing point is 5.5°C. What is the freezing point of a solution containing 100.0 g of benzene and 20.0 g of naphthalene (C10H8)?

3. When 5.0 g of an unknown substance is dissolved in 100.0 g of water, the freezing point of the solution decreases by 1.5°C. What is the molar mass of the unknown substance if the compound does not dissociate to form ions in solution?

4. If 2.00 moles of a substance is dissolved in 1.00 kg of water, the freezing point of the solution decreases by 7.44°C. Does this substance dissociate to form ions in solution? Explain why.

5. Calculate the freezing point of a 0.2 m CaCl2 aqueous solution, assuming it dissociates completely to form ions in solution.

In: Chemistry

At 25ºC the osmotic pressure of an aqueous CaCl2 solution is 9545.4 torr; the solution has...

At 25ºC the osmotic pressure of an aqueous CaCl2 solution is 9545.4 torr; the solution has a density of 1.71 g/mL. Calculate the new boiling point of this solution in Celsius. Assume the normal boiling point of water is 100ºC. (MMCaCl2 = 110.984 g/mol; Kb, H2O = 0.512 ºC/m; Kf, H2O = 1.86ºC/m)

In: Chemistry

I've literally asked this question 4 times now... its pretty sad people can't read as smart...

I've literally asked this question 4 times now... its pretty sad people can't read as smart as they are to be able to answer these questions....

What amount of energy is required to change a spherical drop of water with a diameter of 1.60 mm to SIX (6) smaller spherical drops of equal size? The surface tension, γ, of water at room temperature is 72.0 mJ/m2. PLEASE DO NOT GIVE ME ANSWER FOR FIVE (5) ITS SIX (6)!

In: Chemistry