In: Finance
24. The difference between the life expectancy and healthy adjusted life expectancy is a measure of the average equivalent number of years lost due to:
1) Healthy adjusted life expectancy is the average number of years that a person is expected to life in absolute healthy condition. Therefore the difference between life expectancy and health adjusted life expectancy is the number of years lost due to living in less than healthy condition on an average, which includes both disability and bad health.
correct option is a) bad health and disability
2) The coverage that fills the coverage gap when a person meets with an accident and insurance limit of the driver is not sufficient to cover the costs of the damage done, is underinsured motorist coverage, which covers the shortfall of the insurance amount.
correct option d) Underinsured motorist coverage
3) In a population pyramid, a pyramid with a large base means high number of young population as the vertical scale of population pyramid measures age and widening base would mean large number of low aged population mostly from 0-14 yrs of age. Such population pyramid exists in economies having high birth rate and low life expectancies, for example third world countries.
correct option c) young children