In: Nursing
Your adult family member has been diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. They know you are studying pathophysiology and want to know more about this type of anemia. 1. Describe the etiology and pathogensis. 2. What symptoms may your family member have had to lead to the diagnosis? (give at least 2) 3. What are treatment options?
Answer :
Anemia is reduced amount of RBC (red blood cells) in blood. Iorn deficiency is one of the cause for anemia.
Iron deficiency anemia is the deficiency of iron in the body.
1. Etiology :
Pathogensis :
Iron absorption occures mainly in the deuodenum and jejunum. Iron reaching the stomach is in the ferrus form, which is converted to ferric form with the help of gastric acid which is help in the absorption of iron. Through the basolateral surface of the deuodinal epithelial cells iron is transported into the blood, and from there various organs for storage like in liver. Iron is stored in ferritin and hemosiderin form.
Stages :
Prelatent stage - in this stage iron store will be reduced without reduction of iron level in the blood.
Latent stage - here blood hemoglobin level within normal limits but iron stores are almost over.
Iron deficiency anemia - In this stage blood hemoglobin level will be below the lower limit.
There will be reduced number of RBC in the blood for the transportation of gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body, which leads to symptoms.
2. symptoms :
3. Treatment :