In: Nursing
1. Battered spouse is the person who is abused or domestic violence by the opposite partner. It is commonly occur in women. During this kind of battering situation, the battered spouse does not try to leave or away from the situation. The dynamic reason or prevent from leaving the situation includes lack of confidence and feel trapped, often embarrassed in front of friends and society, become isolated and dependent on the abuser like financial or everything, blackmailing by the abuser.
2. The nursing intervention for working with a rape survivor
- Provide psychological support to the person
- If the rape survivor has not yet undergone for physical examination, then the nurse should arrange for physical examination
- Give a clear and concise explanation about the procedure to be performed to the person
- Notify to the police regarding the victim and the situation
- The nurse should collect the examination report and any evidence for the witness.
- All the clothes worn by the victim should be kept properly for observation.
- Counsel the person and encourage them to explain the situation if the person is able to cope up. If not able to cope up just wait for a few more days or times.
- Document all the subjective statement given by the person.
- Encourage the person to share the feeling about the assault, to understand the coping status of the person.
- Maintain confidentiality of the victim personal information to the people.
3. Cycle of violence is the model that explains the complexity and the co-existence of abuse with loving behaviors. It has three phases. a) tension building phase b) crisis phase and c) honeymoon phase. In tension phase, there is present od tension, disturbance in the communication, victim become fear and feel that something is wrong. In crisis phase, the abusive situation occur. It may be verbally, physically, emotional abuse to the victim. In honeymoon phase, the abuser become very calm, started loving and caring, asking for forgiveness and promising that it will not happen again. But again after some days the tension building phase develop and the same cycle occurred.