Ethical concerns that came into
notice while reviewing the methods proposed for research are—
Prior judgment based on
previous data and knowledge
- Any target sample is located after the basis of prior knowledge
of topic under study and target population. Thorough research and
knowledge gathering are prerequisites before arriving at a
representative sample size and sample source.
- Since there is a paucity of demographic data on homeschooling
families. To arrive at a conclusion that a greater number of
homeschoolers as compared to non-homeschoolers is white and
non-Hispanic based on one report may lead to sample bias.
- Sample bias may creep in if the sample source will be decided
on the basis of prior judgment, lack of knowledge and stereotyping
on the basis of limited data.
Convenience sampling and
interests of Participant and society as a whole
- It is a known problem that nationwide accurate statistics have
been difficult to obtain on homeschooling so far as some families
are not trusting and/or willing to provide information
- As proposed it is believed that this bias might be decreased by
specifically targeting known groups and networks of homeschoolers.
It is thought that this method will increase the likelihood of
collecting data from a diverse group of homeschoolers.
- But this results in a situation where respondents are the ones
that can be reached easily. This can give an idea of the situation
but will exclude respondents who are harder to contact and get a
response from.
- Those who don’t have an internet connection and live in small
colonies will get automatically excluded. This will not provide a
true picture and accurate statistics will not be obtained.
Interests of society as a whole get affected in this manner.
Suggestions to reduce the possibility of risk and harm
to the participants are—
Follow informed-consent rules
- Since all the participants are of legal age and the survey is
anonymous a preamble in place of a consent
form is suggested.
- But informed-consent rules must be practiced. Consent process
ensures that individuals are participating voluntarily with full
prior knowledge of potential risks and benefits.
- Since study does not pose much risk of harm, a preamble is also
fine. But it should mention about participants' rights to decline
to participate or to withdraw.
Design practical security
- Records must be stored in a secure area with limited
- Strip any of the identifying information.
- Data is the new-age gold and so it is utmost important to
contain it securely and use it for the purpose collected.
Avoid Misspecification in
- Wording and organization of questionnaires used to gather data
should be as such that Misspecifications do not result in sample
- Avoid designing questionnaires deliberately so as to include or
exclude any specific sub-group of participants under