
In: Computer Science

11. Industrial systems become part of the IoT when ______ . 12. What is the primary...

11. Industrial systems become part of the IoT when ______ .

12. What is the primary difference between an open loop system and a closed loop system?

13. Which network components should be documented in asset managementdocumentation?

14. A service pack is a collection of _____ .

15. What is the basic process for backleveling an operating system upgrade?

16. How can a mantrap provide multifactor authentication?

17. What kind of device erases the contents of a magnetic hard drive?

18. What kind of information can computer forensics recover that eDiscovery cannot?

19. While upgrading a sales rep ’ s corporate desktop computer, you notice some HR filesfor several coworkers from several different departments. You ’ re pretty sure the salesrep shouldn ’ t have access to this information, so you call your supervisor for assistance.He says he ’ s on his way. Should you shut down the computer? Why or why not?

20. When your supervisor arrives, she has a document with her for you to sign, indicatingthe condition of the computer, how you kept it secure while you waited for her, and thetransfer of responsibility for the computer from you to her. What kind of document is it?


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11. Industiral systems become part of ioT when there is a use of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in manufacturing.

12)The primary difference between open loop system and close loop system is:

a)An open-loop control system takes input under the consideration and doesn’t react on the feedback to obtain the output. This is why it is also called a non-feedback control system.

A closed loop system is also referred as a feedback control system. These systems record the output instead of input and modify it according to the need. It generates preferred condition of the output as compared to the original one. It doesn’t encounter any external or internal disturbances.

b)Effect of output

– An open loop control system acts completely on the basis of input and the output has no effect on the control action.

– A closed loop control system considers the current output and alters it to the desired condition. The control action in these systems is based on the output.

c)Reaction to Internal and External Disturbances

– An open loop control system works on fixed operation conditions and there are no disturbances.

– A closed loop control system doesn’t encounter and react on external disturbances or internal variations.


– Open loop control systems are mostly stable.

– In closed loop control systems stability is a major issue.

e)Effect on gain

– There is no effect on gain.

– There is no-linear change in system gain.

13)The network components that should be documented in asset management documentation includes:

Network Asset Manager is an open source light weigh Hardware and Software Inventory Management system written in C#. Network Asset Manager is simple to use and collects information on all hardware and software components of your PC's and Servers that are on the network. No additional software or agents are required to be installed on these machines thus saving a lot of configuration time.

Network Asset Manager can help you in the following ways. The hardware and software compnents connected to the network are listed below:

  • Tracking of hardware on the network computers.
  • Software Asset tracking.
  • Better utilization of the available hardware and software resources.
  • Software license compliance audit.
  • Maintain Software usage compliance as per company policy.


Network Asset Manager is light weight application which the network administrators can install on their desktops. Once installed, Network Asset Manager can remotely scan all the desktops and servers that are available on the network remotely without any client or agent installation. During the asset discovery process, Network Asset Manager collects all the software and hardware asset information from networked machines. The asset information is collected and then stored in a database on the administrator's machine.

Hardware Asset Tracking

Network asset manager can track lot of different hardware components of system. Some of the hardware assets that the NAM tracks include Processor, Logical Disk, Desktop Monitor, Sound Device, etc.

Software Asset Tracking

Network asset manager can track lot of different software components of system. Some of the software assets that the NAM tracks include installed software, running processes, installed services, User group info etc.

14)A service pack is a collection of updates and fixes, called patches, for an operating system or a software program. Many of these patches are often released before the larger service pack, but the service pack allows for an easy, single installation.

15)Basic process of backleveling an OS includes:

Through downgrade we understand the installation of an inferior operating system or to the same operating
system but a different version (with less options).

In case of a downgrade you have 3 options:

U1 – If you have previously upgraded the system using the windows.old method you can use this folder to
         revert back to your previous operating system.

U2 – If you wish to downgrade your system to an inferior version of the same operating system you can
         complete this task in 4 steps:

        Step 1- Backup all your data and settings from the system partition using Windows Tools or manually to
                      another partition, memory stick or any other external device.
        Step 2- Prepare for a clean windows install ( a clean install will format the system partition and delete
                      any data saved here). These are the things you should have:
                     a) The windows installation disc and Windows License key
                     b) Your computer drivers (If you don’t have them, access your manufactures site, download and
                           saved them on a secondary partition or an external device.
                     c) Learn how to boot from cd/dvd –rom drive
        Step 3- Do a clean operating install (formatting the system partition or remaking it)
        Step 4- After you have updated all your drivers and secured your new upgraded system, use Windows
                      Tools to recover the previous saved data and system settings or add your manual backup.

U3 – If you wish to downgrade your system to an inferior operating system you can complete this task in
         4 steps:

        Step 1- Backup all your data and settings from the system partition manually to another partition,
                      memory stick or any other external device.
        Step 2- Prepare for a clean windows install (a clean install will format the system partition and delete
                      any data saved here). These are the things you should have:
                     a) The windows installation disc and Windows License key
                     b) Your computer drivers (If you don’t have them, access your manufactures site, download and
                           saved them on a secondary partition or an external device.
                     c) Learn how to boot from cd/dvd –rom drive
        Step 3- Do a clean operating install (formatting the system partition or remaking it)
        Step 4- After you have updated all your drivers and secured your new upgraded system add your
                      manual backup.

   Because you have many options to choose from, in case of a downgrade or upgrade I have created a table
from which you can choose the best method for you.


A mantrap is essentially just that: a small room designed to “trap” those who would enter a secure area of a facility. This “trap” enables security—whether a system or an employee—to verify the credentials of the entrant and either allow access or trigger alerts indicating an unauthorized entry attempt. Mantraps, which are sometimes called security vestibules, are small rooms with two or more doors. Authentication procedures may be required either at just the door to the secure area or at all doors.

The simplest implementation of a mantrap involves two doors: one connects the vestibule to the secure area, and one connects to the nonsecure area. Here’s a brief overview of how an automated version of these security systems works; in this case, authentication is assumed to be required at both doors.

  1. Someone wishing to gain access to a secure area applies the necessary credentials at the door to the mantrap. These credentials might include a keycard, PIN, biometrics or some combination thereof. On successful authentication, the door to the mantrap unlocks automatically, allowing entry to the mantrap.
  2. The first door to the mantrap then locks, preventing other individuals from entering the mantrap. A good automatic mantrap will implement some system, or a combination of systems, to prevent more than one person from entering the mantrap at a time. If more than one individual is detected, access is denied and alerts are triggered.
  3. The individual in the mantrap then applies required security credentials once more—these may be the same as for the previous door or different. When these credentials are verified, the individual is allowed entry to the secure area. Until this door is closed and locked once more, no one else is allowed into the mantrap.

Thus, mantraps seek to eliminate piggybacking and tailgating into secure areas, improving access control by more carefully allowing or denying admittance to these areas. Any number of variations on the above example can also be used. For instance, a manual mantrap might involve security guards monitoring potential entrants as they pass through. This system provides a better guarantee (assuming the guards remain attentive) that only the credentialed individual can access the secure area, but it may be more expensive in the long term.

17Degausser is used to remove the contents of magnetic drive:

Degaussing is the process of reducing or eliminating an unwanted magnetic field (or data) stored on tape and disk media such as computer and laptop hard drives, diskettes, reels, cassettes and cartridge tapes. When exposed to the powerful magnetic field of a degausser, the magnetic data on a tape or hard disk is neutralized, or erased. Degaussing is the guaranteed form of hard drive erasure, as such; it serves as the standard method of data destruction. Using the right degausser will guarantee that your information is no longer retrievable.

  • Degaussing is simply a demagnetizing process to erase a hard drive or tape.
  • Degaussers contain a controlled magnetic field that is measured in units of gauss or oersteds (Oe).
  • All magnetic media has a magnetic property, called coercivity, that is also measured in units of oersteds.
  • The Oersted (Oe) value tells us how easy or how difficult a piece of media is to erase. Basically, higher Oe media requires stronger degausser magnetic field ratings.

18.The kind of information that computer forensics can discover and ediscovery cannot includes:

The primary focus of standard e-discovery is the collection of active data and metadata from multiple hard drives and other storage media. Litigation can be supported by active data (information readily available to the user, such as e-mail, electronic calendars, word processing files, and databases), or by metadata (that which tells us about the document’s author, time of creation, source, and history).

Data collected in e-discovery can be limited; for deeper recovery, computer forensics is often used.

The goal of computer forensics is to conduct an autopsy of a computer hard drive – searching hidden folders and unallocated disk space to identify the who, what, where, when, and why from a computer. A significant amount of evidence is not readily accessible on a computer; when this occurs, a computer forensic examination is necessary.

Data Gathered by Computer Forensics

When we use computer forensics, we are typically retrieving specific, accessible, and inaccessible data, such as:

-Automatically stored data: Data that is automatically stored by the computer, like with an automated backup. A file that has been purged from a server may still exist as a copy on the user’s hard drive.

-Deleted files: “Deleted” but not destroyed. Deleted data can remain on a hard drive until it is overwritten or wiped.

-Residual or “ghost” data: Data that remains recoverable from a computer system, but isn’t readily accessible, such as deleted files or file fragments.

-System data: An electronic trail of activity on a computer or network.

-Wiping software: If wiping software has been used, it can be detected with computer forensic software.

Preservation of the original evidence is critical. Creating a mirror image of the storage device produces an exact replica, bit for bit, of the original device that allows investigation of past use without alteration of the evidence.

19.No computer should not be shut down as suck files might be removed during the upgrade.These files are important to be shown to the supervisor so that he can see the illegal access to cowokers files. If the system is shut down during upgrade then these files could be lost he may not be able to show the proof of the files to him and it can be harmful for him as he would be called a cheater instead of the other person.

20)The document is the computer operator document determining the user of the computer and the actions performed by him.

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