In: Biology
How is malonyl Co-A involved in regulating fatty acid synthesis and beta oxidation?
Hi Answer:
How is malonyl Co-A involved in regulating fatty acid synthesis and beta oxidation?
Answer: It is well described that when the human body is under fasting conditions and the glucose is insufficient the body start lipid-based metabolism and the liver starts generating ketones by breaking down the fatty acid. But it is seen that the brain cells are unable to oxidize the fatty acids hence the brain cells got protection from the effect of Ketones. It is well understood that the fatty acid synthesis and oxidation are directly proportional to each other and this relationship is regulated by the fatty acid and triglyceride synthesis.
It is seen that the substrate of fatty acid synthesis (malonyl-CoA ) also acts as the inhibitor of the fatty acid oxidation. The detailed hypothesis is like this. Give n in the figure below:
Glucagon is the primary signal in live ketogenesis and it starts the Phosphorylation and activation of AMPK. The AMPk phosphorylates the two acetyl-CoA carboxylases and blocks the synthesis of malonyl-CoA. Simultaneously more destruction of malonyl-CoA activates the malonyl-CoA decarboxylase. It is also observed that when the Malonyl-CoA concentration is higher it switch on the fatty acid synthesis and when it decreases it stop fatty synthesis and activates CPTI and ketogenesis means to start the fatty acid oxidation.
For more deep understanding you can go through the article published by (Foster DW, 2012).