
In: Nursing

Umair has finished his Certificate IV in Ageing Support. He has passed all his assessments and...

Umair has finished his Certificate IV in Ageing Support. He has passed all his assessments and the feedback from his trainers has been very positive. Umair is very excited to get a job – he enquires at his placement organisation, but unfortunately, they do not have any jobs available at the moment. The manager promises to let him know if any jobs are going to be advertised, as she was very impressed with his work. Umair finds that a lot of his job applications do not lead to any interviews. With the urging of his friends, he decides to call the last workplace his applied to and ask why he wasn’t considered for an interview. He is put through to someone called Bri, who says, ‘Oh Umair, that’s right. I heard about you. Yes, the manager didn’t want to put your application through further because they thought some of our elderly clients might be unsettled by a Muslim on the staff.’ Umair hangs up in shock – he can’t believe what he has just heard!

1) What breach has the workplace committed?

2) What could be the consequences of this scenario?

3) What do you think would be the impact on Umair in this situation?

4) Review the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and identify Article/s that are being breached in Umair’s story.


Expert Solution

1) The workplace has broken the law of code of conduct by not calling him on the basis of his religion. It's the human right , injustice has occurred with Umair .

2) The consequences of this scenario are :-

- Injustice to Umair even after passing with good scores

- Lack of job

- Filling up of unskilled other religion people according to their choice

- Favouritism is going on

3) Umair would be shattered by hearing this . He would feel that even after completing the course with such good scores he can't get the job just because he belongs to Muslim region . It will decrease his confidence and will loss his hope .

4) According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ,the article which is breached in Umair's case is

Article 2

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

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