In: Biology
List major cofactors of metabolic enzymes discussed in this course, point out their precursors, describe their roles in metabolic reactions, and provide one reaction for each cofactor participates as an example of a general pattern. It does not have to be all the metabolic pathways listed but please be at least 3 or 4. The metabolic pathways are
1). Krebs cycle
02). Oxidative phosphorylation
03). Glycolysis and lactate formation
04). Glycogen synthesis & breakdown
05). Gluconeogenesis
06). Beta oxidation of fatty acids
07). Pentose phosphate pathway
08). Biosynthesis of fatty acids & phospholipids
09). Biosynthesis of cholesterol & cholesterol dynamics
10). Biosynthesis of amino acids & one carbon units
11). Biosynthesis of nitrogenous molecules
12). Disposal of nitrogenous molecules & urea cycle
NOTE: Reactions are depicted as
substrate ENZYME (cofactor is implied) product
Krebs cycle
Cofactor: Coenzyme A (CoA)
Precursor: Vitamin B5
Example reaction: -ketoglutarate -ketoglutarate DEHYDROGENASE Succinyl-CoA
Role: acts as a carrier for the acyl group
Cofactor: NADP
Precursor: Vitamin B3
Example reaction: Isocitrate ISOCITRATE DEHYDROGENASE -Ketoglutarate
Role: accepts electrons
Cofactor: FAD
Precursor: Vitamin B2
Example reaction: Succinate SUCCINATE DEHYDROGENASE Fumarate
Role: accepts electrons
Beta oxidation of fatty acids
Cofactor: FAD
Precursors: Vitamin B2
Example reaction: Palmitoyl-CoA ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE trans-2-Enoil-CoA
Role: accepts electrons
Cofactor: NAD
Precursor: Vitamin B3
Example reaction: L--hydroxy-Acil-CoA -hydroxy-Acil-CoA DEHYDROGENASE -cetoacil-CoA
Role: accepts electrons
Cofactor: Coenzyme A (CoA)
Precursor: Vitamin B5
Example reaction: -cetoacil-CoA ACYL-CoA ACETYLTRANSFERASE Myristoyl-CoA
Role: acts as a carrier for the acyl group
Glycolysis and lactate formation
Cofactor: Mg2+
Example reaction: Glucose HEXOKINASE Glucose-6-phosphate
Cofactor: Thiamin piro-phosphate (TPP).
Precursor: Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
Example reaction: PyruvatePYRUVATE DECARBOXYLASE Acetaldehyde
Role: important for the break of adjacent bonds to a carbonyl group
Cofactor: NAD
Precursor: Vitamin B3
Example reaction: Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphateGLYCERALDEHYDE-3-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate
Role: accepts electrons