
In: Physics

Research 3 types of technology that we have in our world that are related to either...

Research 3 types of technology that we have in our world that are related to either Kepler's Laws or The Universal Law of Gravity. The technology can be directly related to these topics or just a snowball effect and only somewhat related to them.
Yo should include:

3 examples of technology
Explanation how the technology helps humans (or will help them in future)
Explanation how the tecnology is related to Kepler's Laws or The Universal Law of Gravity


Expert Solution

1. Efficient Route to stars: Kepler's law

This technology helps to minimize the travel time and cost of any space vehicle being sent, and hence makes it more efficient.

By Kepler's third law, path of such vehicle must be such an ellipse that touches both orbits with the shortest possible major axis. Hence, using the Kepler's law, such a path is obtained; which is the most effieient.

2.Finding velocity of stars in circular motion: Kepler's law

This technology helps humans to find the speed of stars and hence in the developement of astronomy.

By using Kepler's second law, it can be concluded that the area swept out by the line joining a galaxy center to a star in a given time period must always be constant. Now, since the radius to such a star is constant and known in the circular motion, the velocity of these stars in orbit is also constant.Now, putting this into the Kepler's third law gives the velocity.

i.e. T^2= 4(pi)^2a^3/GM^2 {a= constant} which gives v=(GM/r)^1/2

3. Lunching of space vehicles: The Universal Law of Gravity

This technology helps in finding the speed at which a space(higher speed will only make it inefficient and lower energy will make it unsuccessful) vehicle should travel in the earth's atmosphere so that it escapes the earth's magnetic field and reached where its destination body is.

The Universal Law of Gravity says that gravitational force reduces as the distance increases.The Universal Law of Gravity which further gives gravitational potential to be GmM/r, is when equated with 0.5mv^2, gives the speed v to be (2GM/r)^1/2 which is teh speed at which it is launched.

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