In: Statistics and Probability
Part 1:
a. What is the process of computing probability, and can you provide an original examples.
b. What is Cohen’s d, and can you provide an original example where you compute it.
c. What is the main differences between one-sample and two-sample tests, and can you provide original examples
Part 2:
a. Can you provide an example of ANOVA with a very detailed analysis of the problem.
b. Can you provide an example of sign test with a very detailed analysis of the problem, including normal approximations
There are 3 approaches to assign probabilities:
one sample t-test is a statistical procedure where you wanted to test that where your population mean is different than a constant value(fix number). For example, a school wants to test that average mean of GPA for grad students is 3.0. They will use one sample t-test and can get the result.
Two sample t-test is also a statistical procedure where you are interested in testing whether these two population has the same mean or different mean. In the same example if the school is interested in testing that average GPA for science major and arts major is the same. Then they would have used two-sample t-test.