structure |
Composition |
Function |
Location |
Glcocalyx |
- fibrous meshwork of carbohydrates
- glycoprotein and glycolipid
- chained polysaccharide
- in bacteria it provide protection and promote the adhesion
- endothelial glycocalyx regulates the vascular permeability
modulate the interactions between blood and endothelial cells
- capsule of bacteria
- present in endothelial cells
- network of fibrous proteins and proteoglycans that fills the
space between the cells
- water
- fibrous proteins (collagens, elastins, laminins)
- proteoglycans.
- provide tissues strength and support
- regulate intercellular communication
- structural integrity.
- present in extracellular space
Cytoskeletal elements
- Hollow tube
Diameter: 24-25
- Motility of eukaryote
- Maintain cell shape
- Movement of intracellular materials
- actin filaments (microfilaments)
- Muscle contraction
- cell shape change
- cytokinesis
- number of different subunit proteins
- Integrate contractile unit in muscle
- Structural function of cytoskeleton
Cell Junctions
- Desmosomes and hemidesmosomes (anchoring
- keeping the cells together
- structural cohesion of tissues.
- Desmosomes: Cadherin
- hemidesmosomes; Integrins
- Desmosomes: link cell to another cell.
- hemidesmosomes; link cell to the extracellular
- found in tissues that are prone to constant mechanical stress,
e.g. skin and heart.
- Tight junctions (occluding junctions)
- Epithelial cells with tight junctions may be described as
tight or leaky depending on the presence
- maintain the polarity of cells and the osmotic balance
- cell adhesion
- permeability of paracellular barrier
blood-brain barrier |
- Gap junctions (communicating junction)
- allowing the direct passage of ions, small molecules, or
electrical impulses from one cell to another
- ardiac muscle tissues, gap junctions form a part of the
intercalated disc