
In: Nursing




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We have to bring a qualitative change in activities, extracurricular activities, daily living, and sports. Nowadays, it is important to spend time in activities along with study but in qualitative was. The number of hours is not important but the quality, type of activity is important and how much we get to benefit from them is important.

Extracurricular activities mean activities other than study or activities that you do outside the class. So it is a must plan it in such a way students can get benefit from these activities, 1hour or 40 minutes for extracurricular activities is not that much helpful until it will be planned in a quantitative way. Here are some examples that why quantitative change is a must:

  • develop a feeling of the team: As we know that today's generation is lacking in unity, integrity, and teamwork. They like to play and work in their own pace alone. These qualitative sports or extracurricular or daily activities will help to develop feeling of team, feeling of WE rather than I, Espirit De corps.
  • provide job: Some students are interested to see their future in sports, so we have to teach them the tricks, way of playing their interest of game rather than just spending two hours in playing game but student did not learn anything.
  • develop leadership skills: qualitative play gives an opportunity to develop a quality of leader through sports, games and daily activities. Qualitative planning gives the opportunity to think critically, to give their better in a field, How to influence other, which all are needed to develop and become a good leader.
  • more impactful: qualitative change brings more changes in your life, personality and makes a meaningful life as compare to qualitative change.
  • Improves physical fitness: No doubt quantitative change also brings physical fitness but it sometimes also bring harm, injuries during activities, sports if we do not plan the activity in a qualitative way. More time than normal always bring injuries or bad posture, bad trick, bad way to play leads to deformity, injury or sometimes a player can not play for their whole life.

This way we can bring a change or plan the qualitative change in sports, extracurricular activities:

  1. Schools must focus on the quality of teaching rather than just fixing a time to play.
  2. Schools should focus on students like and game of interest.
  3. Teach tricks, way of playing the game
  4. teach classroom-based physical activity.
  5. Plan the game, sports or activity first rather than just start to play.
  6. Create fitness with festivals. Teach students and give a chance to students to celebrate festival with physical activity.
  7. Do not fix them to sports period only, organize competition also.
  8. Let students take charge through Sports Clubs and let them to develop their skills by own.
  9. In-class physical activity should be encouraged.

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