
In: Nursing

Compare the three types of errors for which a healthcare organization needs to be prepared: Skill...

Compare the three types of errors for which a healthcare organization needs to be prepared: Skill based, rule based, and knowledge based errors. How can an organization reduce the likelihood of each if these errors occurring in a healthcare setting?


Expert Solution

Errors are bound to occur in organisation most of the time by individuals from various departments performing various task. commonly occuring errors are discussed below

Skill based errror rule based error knowledge based error
it means physical actions are involved and the situation is familiar. for. e.g Mercury spill in a ward. Certain task which has to be performed acording to set rules and regulations. For example waste not being disposed according to Biomedical waste management guidelines. it occur when an experienced person is placed into a novel situation. for example nurse is asked for performing balloon tamponade in case of Post partum hemorrhage
No conscious monitoring as the situation is familiar the level of conscious monitoring is intermediate Consious monitoring as the individual performs task newly.
it is fast Sometimes fast and sometimes slow it occurs slowly
it is effortless it is effortful it is effortful

How to reduce these errors

Skill based error

these are automated routines which needs little conscious attention to reduce them. Be conscious while performing task, learn the procedure, skills and the errors are lessen. Intensive practice of specific skill would help improve this type of error.

Rule based error

These can be reduced by just following the rules and regulation that are set for any activity. Organisations to put polices and guidelines in place so the staff can refer and act accordingly. for example if A has this symptom then B is the condition and C is the treatment. In this there is no chance for confusion. Preparing flowchart, Regular mock drills/exercises will reduce these error to a greater extent.

Kowledge based error

Certainly to reduce this error one must learn and acquire knowledge. Health care organistaions should conduct periodic trainings of staff to ensure that there knowledge is updated in order to reduce the occurence of errors. Competency is required to eliminiate this error.

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