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ASAP Plz help CSC 263 computer architecture and organization Describe 3 different types of Instructions of...

ASAP Plz help CSC 263 computer architecture and organization

Describe 3 different types of Instructions of MIPS architecture:

Description should include:

- Instruction format

- Field descriptions

- Example instructions of each type


Expert Solution

MIPS is a 32-bit architecture
• Registers are 32-bits wide
• Arithmetic logical unit (ALU) accepts 32-bit inputs, generates 32- bit outputs
• All instruction types are 32-bits long

MIPS R3000 has:
• 32 general-purpose registers (for using integer operations like subtraction, address calculation, etc)
• 32 floating point registers (for using floating point addition,multiplication, etc)
• A few special-purpose registers (e.g., the program counter pc which represents the currently- executing instruction).

Components of the MIPS architecture are
2.Components of the data path
3. Control unit

Major components of the datapath:
• program counter (PC)
• instruction register (IR)
• register file
• arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)
• memory

There are three instruction categories: R--),I- format and J-format.

All instructions have: op (or opcode): operation code (specifies the operation) (first 6 bits).

1. R-format Instructions

  • Have op 0. (all of them!)
  • Also have:
    • rs: 1st register operand (register source) (5 bits)
    • rt: 2nd register operand (5 bits)
    • rd: register destination (5 bits)
    • shamt: shift amount (0 when N/A) (5 bits)
    • funct: function code (identifies the specific R-format instruction) (6 bits)
      Name Format Layout Example
      6 bits 5 bits 5 bits 5 bits 5 bits 6 bits
      op rs rt rd shamt funct
      add R 0 2 3 1 0 32 add $1, $2, $3
      addu R 0 2 3 1 0 33 addu $1, $2, $3
      sub R 0 2 3 1 0 34 sub $1, $2, $3
      subu R 0 2 3 1 0 35 subu $1, $2, $3
      and R 0 2 3 1 0 36 and $1, $2, $3
      or R 0 2 3 1 0 37 or $1, $2, $3
      nor R 0 2 3 1 0 39 nor $1, $2, $3
      slt R 0 2 3 1 0 42 slt $1, $2, $3
      sltu R 0 2 3 1 0 43 sltu $1, $2, $3
      sll R 0 0 2 1 10 0 sll $1, $2, 10
      srl R 0 0 2 1 10 2 srl $1, $2, 10
      jr R 0 31 0 0 0 8 jr $31


       add $s0, $s1, $s2 (registers 16, 17, 18) 
      op rs rt rd shamt funct
      0 17 18 16 0 32
      000000 10001 10010 10000 00000 100000

      NOTE: Order of components in machine code is different from assembly code. Assembly code order is similar to C, destination first. Machine code has destination last.

      C: a = b + c
      assembly code: add $s0, $s1, $s2    # add rd, rs, rt
      machine code: 000000 10001 10010 10000 0000 100000
      (op rs rt rd shamt funct)

2. I-format Instructions

  • Have a constant value immediately present in the instruction.
  • Also have:
    • rs: register containing base address (5 bits)
    • rt: register destination/source (5 bits)
    • immediate: value or offset (16 bits)
Name Format Layout Example
6 bits 5 bits 5 bits 5 bits 5 bits 6 bits
op rs rt immediate
beq I 4 1 2 25 (offset) beq $1, $2, 100
bne I 5 1 2 25 (offset) bne $1, $2, 100
addi I 8 2 1 100 addi $1, $2, 100
addiu I 9 2 1 100 addiu $1, $2, 100
andi I 12 2 1 100 andi $1, $2, 100
ori I 13 2 1 100 ori $1, $2, 100
slti I 10 2 1 100 slti $1, $2, 100
sltiu I 11 2 1 100 sltiu $1, $2, 100
lui I 15 0 1 100 lui $1, 100
lw I 35 2 1 100 (offset) lw $1, 100($2)
sw I 43 2 1 100 (offset) sw $1, 100($2)


 lw $t0, 32($s3) (registers 8 and 19) 
op rs rt immediate
35 19 8 32
100011 10011 01000 0000000000100000

Example: beq

The offset stored in a beq (or bne) instruction is the number of instructions from the PC (the instruction after the beq instruction) to the label (ENDIF in this example). Or, in terms of addresses, it is the difference between the address associated with the label and the PC, divided by four.

 offset = (addrFromLabelTable - PC) / 4 

In the example above, if the beq instruction is at address 1004, and thus the PC is 1008, and if ENDIF is at address 1028, then the value stored in the machine instruction would be

 offset = (1028 - 1008) / 4 = 5
op rs rt immediate
4 8 0 5
000100 01000 00000 000000000000101

3. J-format Instructions

  • Have an address (part of one, actually) in the instruction.
Name Format Layout Example
6 bits 5 bits 5 bits 5 bits 5 bits 6 bits
op address
j J 2 2500 j 10000
jal J 3 2500 jal 10000



The address stored in a j instruction is 26 bits of the address associated with the specified label. The 26 bits are achieved by dropping the high-order 4 bits of the address and the low-order 2 bits (which would always be 00, since addresses are always divisible by 4).

 address = low-order 26 bits of (addrFromLabelTable/4) 

In the example above, if LOOP is at address 1028, then the value stored in the machine instruction would be 257.

op address
2 257
00010 00000000000000000100000001

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