
In: Computer Science

Choose any IT garget, an application or a website of your interest. Study and evaluate the interface of this chosen application or website applying the concepts you have learnt in the HCI class.

Evaluate and Redesigning Application Interfaces you think are Bad Designs

Choose any IT garget, an application or a website of your interest. Study and evaluate the interface of this chosen application or website applying the concepts you have learnt in the HCI class. Redesign the interface, detailing things or principles which were not correctly used or were completely missing. Discuss how you would reuse the design principles which were wrongly used and why you added what you think was missing.

Your report should include both the old and the new website and the documentation for your redesign.


Expert Solution

Research is a crucial part of your redesign process: it’s the best way to find what’s working and isn’t, and to dig deeper into what your target customers want. When you start thinking about a redesign (or refresh), there are some questions about your existing website you MUST be able to answer:

  1. What are your most valuable pages right now?
  2. Who is coming to your website, and why?
  3. What specific, measurable customer need isn’t being met by the current website?
  4. What’s the rest of your team/business using the website for?
  5. What pages and elements are working well?
  6. How will you measure the success of the redesign?

6 things you need to know when approaching, and then going through, a website redesign:

  1. What your website’s most valuable pages are
  2. Who is visiting your website, and why
  3. What propels or stops your customers
  4. How your team/business will be impacted by the redesign
  5. How to measure success with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  6. What to change—and how to test it

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