In: Economics
In 3–5-paragraph please describe the history of union and management relations?
With the industrial revolution started the labour-management relationship. Due to few laws in existence to guard workers the focus of employers was to cut costs. The workers were often fired as they took part in union activities. There had been many strikes and negotiations which resulted in the increased wages and improved safety for the workers as happened in case of American Federation of labour.
After the world war II the United states dominated the global trade, which led to the high demand of labour. The demand of labours helped them to pursue their better rights, the unions were accepted and many of the demands of the labourers granted by the companies. But they were kept out of decision-making process. In 1970s as many countries rebuilt their infrastructure and produced goods of high quality and cheaper than US. Subsequently the unions were not protected by the government and thousands of workers were fired, which led to the dissolution of many unions.
The Unions regained the strength once again as the laws were enacted like Wagner Act, which guaranteed the organization of Unions and bargaining of workers’ rights (Including striking). To counter the Wagner act protections Congress passed Taft-Hartley Act so as to curtail certain actions like jurisdictional and sympathy strikes. Subsequently half of the States of US have passed “right to work” laws.