In: Computer Science
What development methodologies should you consider?
How would you stage the work for each methodology? What additional information would you need before you made a decision as to your choice of development methodology?
Hello, Student
Software developement process is a part of a Project which divide development work into many phases to ensure better project delivery.
So now let's move on to question, In question the Project to develop an online booking system for a multi-doctor medical practice and key functionality that is required is as follows:
The system should need to have both option regarding to booking of a doctor:-
So these two are must requirements of this project.
By seeing requirements I should consider Waterfall Development Methodology as development because it is linear project management method which well fit to this project, In this first customer requirements are collected, then other plans will be created.
It is named as Waterfall because phases of project looks like same as down like waterfall.
Phases of waterfall model or stage the work for each methodology:-
Customer requirements and hardware set-up to detect doctors's availability in hospital as a additional information is need before I made a decision as to choose waterfall development methodology.
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