Please type at least 100 words:
Compare AM (Amplitude Modulation) with FM (Frequency Modulation)
in the...
Please type at least 100 words:
Compare AM (Amplitude Modulation) with FM (Frequency Modulation)
in the context of modulation techniques, frequency range, bandwidth
requirements, complexity, noise, and hardware.
1) Compare AM and FM modulation (advantages, disadvantages).
2) Why is the use of FM more preferred than PM? Explain your
answer. (Hint: Compare the frequency deviations in both cases)
3) Give a short qualitative justification of the fact that FM
has more noise immunity than AM.
there is a sinusoidal message signal (f = 100 Hz).
Make amplitude modulation with carrier frequency of 10KHz. Use
three different modulation depths / indices (0.2 /0.60/0.8).
Then demodulate this mixed signal (for these three cases) by try
to get message signals. (need matlab codes and graphs)
1. Discuss what will happen to the modulation process of an
amplitude modulation (AM) signal if the carrier signal level
remains constant and the sideband signal level increases and
justify your answer
2. A normal modulation usually has a modulation index ranges
from 0 to 1 but in some rare cases, the modulation index can be
greater than 1. Discuss what will happen to the output of the
receiver if this situation happens.
You are given the task of combining both analog phase
modulation(PM) and analog frequency modulation(FM) transmitters .
Describe the procedure to combine these transmitters into a single
one such a way that your new transmitters operates only in one of
the modes (either analog PM or FM) at a time based on the arbitrary
choice of transmitter side user and the transmitter side user could
change the mode anytime he/she wants during the operation.
1) Determine the frequency deviation and modulation index for an
FM modulator with 8Hz / mV frequency sensitivity to which a
modulating tone equal to 5Cos (2π5000t) has been applied.
select an answer:
a. 20 Hz, 16
b. 40 KHz, 8
c. 40 Hz, 8
d. 20 KHz, 16
e. None of the above
a) AM transmitters more commonly use low-level modulation, while
FM transmitters more commonly use high-level modulation.
True or False
b) Explain the basic elements of a Single Side Band
(SSB). What element distinguishes it from a DSB
c) As regulated by FCC law, what component is used to generate
the carrier frequency of broadcast transmitters?
d) A …. uses a ROM look-up table to generate sinewaves or other
signal types for carrier signal generation.
e) Explain the difference between...
Please TYPE because a lot of handwriting is diffcult to read. In
at least 100 words or more, please discuss the different factors
that must be considered when choosing a flow sensor for a
With appropriate block diagram, describe two methods/principles of
demodulating a Frequency Modulation (FM) signal.
Consider a frequency modulated signal FM )]sin(cos[)(tttsmcωβω+=
where mω is the frequency of a sinusoidal message signal, cω is the
carrier frequency and β is the modulation index.
Using the above equation )(ts, explain the definition of Narrowband
FM and wideband FM.
Prove that the narrowband FM signal is given by the equation
An angle modulated signal is given...
2. An AM radio station broadcasts a signal at a carrier
frequency ωc, with an amplitude modulation frequency of ωm <<
E(t) = E0[1 + A sin(ωmt)] sin(ωct)
Show that this is the sum of a wave at the carrier frequency,
the lower sideband (ωL = ωc−ωm), and the upper (high) sideband (ωH
= ωc + ωm). What total bandwidth is required if the radio station
wants to broadcast music that contains modulation frequency
components from 20 to 10,000...