
In: Computer Science

What is Document Life cycle Security? How does this integrate into EDMS? How does the data...

What is Document Life cycle Security? How does this integrate into EDMS?

How does the data elements fit into the overall document life cycle.

What are metadata and document storage requirements and recommended document life cycle.


Expert Solution

The step by step construction and destruction of documents is called as document life cycle. The procedures document life-cycle serves as and important part of an Enterprise Content Management(ECM). ECM is specification for obtaining, storing and delivering information that are important for its operation in an effective manner.

Enterprise Document Management(EDM) is the plan of action designed for supervising electronic document and organisation's paper for easy and quick retrieval. The key points included in EDM are retention of document, storage of document, tracing changes in document and recovery of documents in case of disaster.

Document Life-Cycle Stages
Document Life-Cycle Stages Definition Supporting Technologies and Applications
Create Analog or digital document construction

Application Development Tools

Authoring Software

Web Authoring

Electronics Form Processing


Voice Mail

Instant Messaging

Data Capture

Hand Writing Recognition

Capture Analog or physical document transformation into digital format
Index Using manual or automatic techniques for cataloging process or creating metadata
Manage Documents managing and storing for quick access

Data Warehousing


Electronic Workflow Processing

Access Classification, metadata, full text or other search technologies for searching processes to find document


Search Engine

Knowledge Management

Web Caching

Public Key Infrastructure

Data Mining

Retrieve Sighting documents from search result
Administer Controlling users resources, content types and structures

Document Management


Media Management

Repurpose Reutilization and re-versioning of documents for new products

Digital Preservation

Workgroup Application

Electronic Flow Processing


Voice Mail

Instant Messaging

Share and Collaborate Real time and non-real time methods for sharing, cooperating and modification
Distribute Transferring, circulating and scattering with security


Report Generation

Digital Media Publication

Retain Low usage or idle documents kept till their predetermined retention period

Digital Records Management

Hierarchical Storage Technologies

Data Warehousing

Dispose Damaging documents which have completed their retention period  
Preserve Long term access to documents with enduring value

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