In: Nursing
How is osteoarthritis different from osteoporosis?
What are some nursing considerations and patient teaching for a patient after gallbladder surgery?
# )osteoarthritis different from osteoporosis
Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that occurs when a flexible tissue at the ends of bones wears down .It can cause joint pain and shiffness ,Whereas osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become weak and brittle , osteoporosis or thinking bones,can result in painful fractures.
#) Nursing consideration for a patient after gall bladder surgery.
(* Nursing assessment.)
+ Integumentary system- assess skin and mucus membrane.
+ Circulatory system- assess perpheral pulses and capillary refill.
+ Bleeding- assess for unusual bleeding oozing from injection sites,epistaxis , bleeding gums, pctechia , ecchymosis ,hematemesis or melena
+ Gastrointestinal system- assess for abdominal distention, frequent bleaching, guarding and reluctance to move.
( Nursing intervention)
+ Pain assessment- observe and document location, severity (0-10)scale and characters of pain
+ Activity- promote bedrest , allowing the Patient to assume a position of comfort
+ Diversion- Encourage use of relaxation techniques,and provide diversional activities.
+ Communicate - maketime to listen and to maintain frequent contact with the patient.
+ Calories- calculate caloric intake to identify nutritional deficiencies or needs
+ Food planning- consult the patient about like and dislikes,foods that came distress,and preferred meal schedules.
+ Promote appetite-provide a pleasant atmosphere at mealtime and remove noxious stimuli.
+ Laboratory studies- monitor laboratory studies;BUN , pre - albumin, albumin, total protein,trandferm level.
+ Provide proper position to the Patient.
( Patient education)
+ Diet : consult with the dietitian or nutritional support to establish individual nutritional needs
+ Activities- ambulate and increase activity or tolerated
+ Education - patient with cholecystitis must be educated regarding cause of then disease , complication , also educate about infection.
* Follow-up- tell the patient about the importance of correct follow up
+ Medications-medication should be taken at the correct time and at the correct dose