
In: Psychology

In your own words, does pregnancy place women at increased risk of becoming infected with HIV?...

In your own words, does pregnancy place women at increased risk of becoming infected with HIV? Why?


Expert Solution

Women who are trying to get pregnant or are pregnant are at higher risk of becoming infected with HIV. This is because of 2 major factors that is - Unprotected sex and not testing for HIV during these times. Women are known to have unprotected sex during such times as they are either trying to conceive or are in middle of conceiving. These increase the chances of acquiring HIV, especially if partner has never been tested for HIV. Women are also capable of vertical transmission of disease during pregnancy, leading to the child getting infected with HIV. Mothers with higher viral loads are more at risk to infect their babies. Even though, there is no viral load that is low enough to be called “safe", especially in the case of HIV. Infection to the baby can occur at any time during pregnancy, and it usually happens just before or during delivery (as the child is exposed to delivery blood).

Issue of testing is another problem that puts mothers at risk. Women and their partners should get checked and treated (if positive) for HIV. HIV infection can happen to anyone at any time. It is better to get checked for it before deciding to conceive. If possible, it is safer to get it checked even during pregnancy to reduce the risk. To reduce the risk of contracting HIV, testing as well protected sex must be encouraged in pregnant women. They should also be educated about its effects during pregnancy and how it can be transmitted to the fetus.

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