
In: Statistics and Probability

10. An industrial psychologist is investigating the effects of work environment on employee attitudes. A group...

10. An industrial psychologist is investigating the effects of work environment on employee attitudes. A group of 20 recently hired sales trainees were randomly assigned to one of four different "home rooms" - five trainees per room. Each room is identical except for wall color. The four colors used were light green, light blue, gray and red. The psychologist wants to know whether room color has an effect on attitude, and, if so, wants to compare the mean attitudes of the trainees assigned to the four room colors. At the end of the training program, the attitude of each trainee was measured on a 60-pt. scale (the lower the score, the poorer the attitude). The data was subjected to a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The output is shown below.  

a. Complete the ANOVA table.

SS DF MS F P-value
Treatment 1678.15 3 0.8124
Error 9.475
Total 1829.75 19

b. Based on this test, is there sufficient evidence to support the claim that the population means are not equal? Assume that a 0.05 significance level is used. Explain.


Expert Solution

here we can not support to claim that all population means are not equal.

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